2021-22 FISCAL YEAR at 11:00am
Confirmed 6/11/21: This meeting will be held in person in Bridgewater Music Alley following worship.
One item of business will be conducted on this day: To present, discuss, and vote on the 2021-22 fiscal year operating budget for Central Square Congregational Church, UCC. This will be the only vote taken on this day.
The proposed budget, which has been presented to Cabinet by the Trustees, and approved, is shown below.
Voting will be held in person and online. Each individual church member is entitled to a vote. Those not comfortable with gathering in person or unable to attend were allowed to vote online prior to the meeting. ONLINE VOTING IS NOW CLOSED. Quorum for the meeting will be determined by the total number of votes.
Some chairs will be available, but feel free to bring your own. Social distancing and masks will be respected.
Please bring a copy of the proposed budget with you for reference at the meeting.
A motion was approved to amend the budget as follows: to only allow the Johnson Fund to offset music expenses in the amount that the Fund earned in the prior 12 months. No principal will be taken from the Fund for this purpose. Following the approval of that amendment, the budget as otherwise proposed was APPROVED by majority vote.