We have 18 out of 40!
Won't you be next?
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We have 18 out of 40!
Won't you be next?
You Still Have Time!
We started the 40 for $40K project soon after our congregation voted to approve the new annual budget starting in July. The vote by an overwhelming majority approved a $43,000 deficit. The easy idea was that we could move money from our church “savings” to solve that problem.
Some think that is not the best idea. After all, we have been moving money from the so-called savings for several years. Soon, if this solution continues, we will have no savings.
So, it is in all of our hands to redirect our efforts.
Any increase in your pledge and any first-time pledge of your monetary gifts will go to reducing—or even eliminating—that budget deficit.
We suggest an increase or new pledge of $20 a week for this effort. Pledges can be gifted weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. So, that’s $20 a week, $260 a quarter, $520 for six months – or a one-time yearly gift of $1040.
If you were a member of a club, a sorority, a fraternity, you would be paying dues to belong. Church is not like that. We have no mandatory member or participant fees. We simply ask that you give what you can to keep our congregational experience alive and well.
CLICK HERE for the 40-for-$40k pledge form in PDF format to print and submit.
CLICK HERE for the 40-for-$40k form I can fill out online.
May the light of Christ shine on you,
Gail Wershing—for Stewardship
Remember, you need not be a member of the church to pledge! All are welcome!
Pledged funds may be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. All pledges are confidential.
CLICK HERE to read more about what our church does in the community, and why financial support is so crucial, even beyond our church walls.