Poinsettia Memorial Orders will be taken after worship on December 1, 8, and 15, and online ordering will be live on the website beginning December 1. If you would like to purchase a Poinsettia and have it decorate our sanctuary on Sunday, December 22 through the Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve services, please place your order no later than December 15.
This year, the plants are 6.5” pots, red or white, at $15.00 each. You may honor a loved one, include a memorial message that will be printed in our worship bulletin and then take your Poinsettia home, or gift it yourself to friend and/or church member.
PLEASE START HERE: Please fill out the form by CLICKING HERE, or see Carol Chaffee after worship, or contact the church office at 508-697-6016 or office@csccucc.com to place your order. We need your name, phone number, email address, your memorial message, and the quantity of each color plant you wish to purchase.
Once you have placed your order, then:
-- Mail your check to the church (payable to "CSCC") and write "poinsettia" at the bottom, or drop it in the Sunday offering plate;
-- OR you can pay via the "PAY" button at the bottom of this page (a PayPal account is not required)
-- OR you can pay via Venmo - just send the money to @cscc-ucc and make a note that it's for poinsettias
Another reminder that all requests must be in by SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15th.
Thank you,
The Congregational/Spiritual Engagement Team
Carol Chaffee
~ I will be available on the 1st, 8th and 15th to take orders and also to answer any questions.