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April 2023

We are a Christian community of people who are reaching out to our neighbors, 
at home and abroad, sharing our faith and our resources.


Central Square Congregational Church, UCC, of Bridgewater, Massachusetts is an open and affirming
church. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


With Generosity & Gratitude

Dear Members and Friends,

On March 20, we officially began our Annual Pledge Drive, to be completed by Sunday, April 16. The process is simple. We mailed you a request plus forms and you reply with your pledge by completing the forms and return them to church in person or by mail by Sunday, April 16.  If you prefer, or you are an online participant only, you may pledge online by clicking HERE. We encourage you to be as generous as possible.

Sunday, March 26, on Stewardship Sunday, we asked those present to write individual thank you notes to all who pledge this year. These personal notes with expressions of gratitude will be sent to all who pledge during this period.

It is important for all of us, wherever on the journey, to understand that our annual pledges make Central Square Congregational Church come alive and stay alive—alive in worship, alive in the community, alive in committees and groups that use our building, alive in the world, as we all work together to make mission happen day after day. Our mission happens because we give selflessly and we give because of the LOVE that enables us to BE!

We have no national or regional United Church of Christ organizations that provide funds to our congregation. It is just us, generously backing up our feelings of appreciation and gratitude with money.

We ask you to remember we are still in transition, coming out of a tumultuous three-year period of dealing with worldwide health issues. Still, new ministries have begun—our Thrift Shop, Kids Church and more. We are reorganizing with a new constitution to match our needs of today. It is an exciting time to be a part of Central Square Congregational Church.

We chose to use the rising Phoenix as an emblem of this year’s Pledge Drive because our church community is rising to serve with love, faith, generosity and gratitude. We hope you will join us in financially supporting CSCC-UCC.


With faith and gratitude from your Stewardship team,
Kathleen Mosher, Carol Chaffee, Gail Wershing


PS:  Feel free to contact any one of us if you have questions about pledging. See us or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you.  508-697-6016



Fair Share Giving Guide

(To calculate your Adjusted Monthly Income, subtract from your total monthly income any extraordinary expenses such as childcare, large medical expenses, care for parent or family member or other large monthly expense.)

Tuesday thru Friday, 9am-1pm

or by appointment

Please note that the office will be closed April 18-21.




Use the link on the homepage of www.csccucc.org to access Sunday worship.

There is also a link to access past services, as well as past service bulletins.



NEXT CABINET MEETING is Wednesday, April 19, 7pm

at the church

Monthly meetings of the church leadership are currently being held in the Fellowship Hall. All church members are also welcome to attend. 



Do you need a meal, a call, spiritual care, or even just a prayer or a chat?

Contact the Pastor, a Deacon, or a member of our Care Team.


To contact Rev. Beth, call the church office at 508-697-6016 or email her at csccpastor @ hotmail.com. 


CSCC Deacons
Deb Sorgman – debsorgman @ gmail.com

Jae Stotts - jaestotts @ gmail.com

Savannah Wells, Jr. Deacon

CSCC Care Team
Carol Chaffee  *  Phoebe Hogg
Bev Mitchell  *  Rev. Beth Stotts

Contact the church office if you need us!


The Bridgewater Food Pantry, hosted and supported by CSCC, is open Thursdays, 10am-1pm, and the first Mondays of the month, 6-7:30pm (except holidays). All Bridgewater residents who are in need of food are welcome.

If you are a Bridgewater resident unable to come to the food pantry, but are in need of food, please contact the church office by email (office@csccucc.com) or phone (508-697-6016) and arrangements will be made for you.





We continue to make it easier than ever to contribute to CSCC. The church accepts donations via Venmo! Aim your phone camera below, or use the Venmo app to send your donation to @cscc-ucc



April 2 & 9 (9:15)


April 9 at 10am (Easter)



Community Breakfast at CSCC
Sunday, April 2 and April 16, 9am


Are you thinking you want to be a part of this awesome ministry? Volunteers are needed. More info at www.csccucc.org/time-talent, or contact the church office.

And invite your friends to eat with us, and those that might like a meal and fellowship. All are welcome!



Coins for Kids Church : April 2


Don’t forget to bring your spare change for the Coins for Kids Church collection on the first Sunday of each month! This helps to pay for Kids Church supplies and teaching materials.


Congratulations CSCC!

The votes are in, and Central Square Church has approved a new constitution! It's an exciting time in our church, and this new structure of governance is part of it. Big, big shoutout of thanks to the committee that worked so hard for over a year to bring this to fruition: Anne Malmquist, John Sharland, Gordon Brailsford, Gail Wershing, and Sherley Phillips.

Thank You! 

A big thank you to all who made Julia’s piano concert to benefit CSCC possible, most importantly Julia, who donated her time and talent to the event, and to Rev. Beth who coordinated all the details to make the night possible.

It was a lovely evening and included a two-part concert of classics and familiar tunes, and a reception following with bring-your-own-wine, punch, hors d’oeuvres, and raffle items. The event raised over $2,200 for the church!

Women's Guild and Fellowship will be meeting on Wednesday, April 5, at 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall. All women from the church and friends are welcome to attend.


Our program for the evening will be making a floral arrangement in a tea cup. Please bring your own tea cup or coffee cup (or similar sized container) and create your own design led by Garden Club members Sandy Alley and Donna Albro. We will also have a meeting and refreshments.

Jane O'Connell, Co-President

Tulips, Lilies, and Daffodils

The History and Memorials Committee will once again offer the opportunity to purchase your favorite Spring flowers in memory of a loved one. The committee will decorate the church altar for Easter with the flowers. You may decide whether you would like the flower(s) donated to someone unable to attend church, or you would like to take the flower(s) home with you on Easter morning following the service. The cost of the flowers is $10 each.  The names of your loved ones will be published in the Easter bulletin.  

You may contact the church office to order your flowers, or see one of the members of the H&M Committee after church on April 2.


March found us reaching out to those near and far. For those in distant places, we held our One Great Hour of Sharing on March 19. With donations from you and the Outreach Fund, we raised $350. 

For those in our Bridgewater community, the Bridgewater Food Pantry at CSCC has been extremely busy serving those in need. Our inventory is being depleted and we ask that you consider donating a few items from the following list: 
• toothpaste
• toilet paper
• paper towels
• tuna
• jelly
• cooking oil
• cereal
• shelf stable milk 
We do not need macaroni and cheese or pasta.
Thank you for your continued generosity and concern for those in need. 



The next Feminist Women of Faith meeting will be Sunday April 23. Join us for great conversation and planning of our social justice work. Childcare is provided. If you have any questions please e-mail Kathleen Mosher at katmosher @ comcast.net.


News from your Wider Church Delegate

John Sharland


I will be attending the Annual Meeting of the Southern New England Conference on June 17th at the DCU Center in Worcester. Join me!  

For more info: www.sneucc.org/eventdetail/16428435

Women's Guild & Fellowship


Saturday, April 15, 2023,

9am - 2pm

at Central Square Congregational Church
proceeds benefit local non-profits

Clothing, shoes, accessories, linens, books, toys,
household items, china, glassware, and jewelry

Homemade Soup "to-go", sandwiches, and baked goods

Bag Sale at 1 pm

The Central Closet Thrift Shop will be closed on Wed. 4/12 and Sat. 4/15 to allow for this fundraiser.


Rummage Sale: Donations Needed

The Women's Guild and Fellowship will be holding their Annual Spring Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 15, at the church. We are looking for good, clean donations of spring/summer clothing for the entire family, shoes, hats, bags, linens, household items, spring/summer decorations, glassware, jewelry, sporting goods, and toys. We do not accept electronics, hardcover books, and big furniture.

We appreciate your donations that are clean and don't have stains, rips, holes, and chips. You can drop them off at the church during the week of April 10 on Tues, Wed, or Thurs, 9am-1pm; Fri. 9am-5 pm; or any other time the church is open for meetings that week. Donations should be left in Fellowship Hall.
Thank you so much for your donations! Our group gives money to local non-profits and other world-wide missions.

Jane O'Connell, Co-President


Guest Preacher, April 16: 
Mary Louise Gifford

We at Central Square Church are no strangers to the work of Rev. Dr. Mary Louise Gifford. Several years back we studied her book, "The Turnaround Church" and found her experiences and insights into congregational life renewing. On April 16 we will be welcoming her into the pulpit as our guest preacher. She has served several congregations on the South Shore, served as the co-chair of the Massachusetts Conference's Commission for Evangelism and Church Vitality, has served the Southern New England Conference in various volunteer leadership positions, and is also a certified vitality coach. We are thrilled to welcome her to the pulpit!


To Parents, guardians or grandparents...

The children are very excited as they are preparing for Palm Sunday which is, April 2nd.  The children are all participating in scenes that tell the story of the last few days of Jesus’ life.  We would appreciate it if the children would arrive early on Palm Sunday (between 9:15 and 9:30) to dress in their costumes and be ready to pass out the Palms.            

Thank you for your cooperation.
The Kids Church Staff
Connie, Eric, Cass, Jae & Terry


"God made you and God made me, He made the world for us to see. God loves you and long ago, He sent his Son to tell us so. Jesus showed us many things, To love and share and dance and sing. To learn and pray, to help and care, He promised he’d always be there. He died but then came back to life, let’s celebrate for He’s alive! Amen."   ~Unknown


Here's a prayer for young and old and everyone in between. Share it and carry it in your hearts during Holy Week and beyond. Its simplicity can touch us all.

Carol Chaffee
Care Team

Central Closet Thrift Shop will be closed on Wed. 4/12 and Sat. 4/15 so the Women's Guild and Fellowship can hold their Annual Spring Rummage Sale. It will also be closed on Saturday, 4/8.

We are currently looking for donations of new or gently-used spring/summer clothing, footwear, and decorative items, pocketbooks, jewelry, glassware, household items, linens, toys, books, puzzles, DVDs, and CDs. No electronics.

Please clean your items and make sure there are no rips, stains, holes, broken zippers, chips, cracks, etc.
Donations will be accepted on Wed. and Sat. during shop hours and only 20 items per visit.

Thank you very much for supporting us in this mission to help the church. We have been very pleased to have so many donations and so many customers!

Connie Chandler, Jane O'Connell, Lynn Pietras, and Gail Wright

With the exception of Easter Sunrise Service, all services will be in-person and livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook. YouTube link will be posted  on csccucc.org


Please note that the End of Life Planning Session with Rev. Beth, scheduled for Saturday, April 8, has been cancelled. If you would like to discuss your end of life planning with Rev. Beth, please feel free to contact her through the church office, 508-697-6016, or at csccpastor@hotmail.com.

CSCC Cabinet Meeting - Minutes

March 15, 2023, 7pm

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.


Cabinet members in attendance: Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; Anne Malmquist, Moderator; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; Gordon Brailsford, Board of Trustees; Bill O’Neil, Board of Christian Outreach; Carol Chaffee, Board of Stewardship; Terry Reynolds, Board of Christian Education; Barbara Morey, History & Memorials Committee; Jane O’Connell, Women’s Guild & Fellowship 

    Additional attendees: Gail Wright, Connie Chandler


Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a prayer.


Diane Sheibley took attendance and verified that a quorum was present.


February Minutes
The meeting minutes from the February meeting were presented and reviewed. Rev. Beth motioned to accept the minutes as written; Bill O’Neil seconded. The minutes were approved.


Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts (also see printed report)
There has been a lot going on. Time spent on promotional material, Lent, developing a food pantry brochure, and planning the Julia concert. Tickets for the concert are available through Eventbrite and through the office. The youth had their archery event, and it was great. Rev. Beth has been working with Terry on the Palm Sunday service, and with Carol Chaffee on Stewardship Sunday. Saturday the 25th is the Lenten book study. There has also been a lot of pastoral care. Rev. Beth asked that those present help promote the concert as much as possible. Also hold Lin and John Schuller in your prayers.

There will be a guest preacher on 4/16, Rev. Dr. Mary Louise Gifford, author of “The Turnaround Church”. On Easter, there will be the sunrise service at Hanson Farm, and our 10am service.


Treasurer’s Report – David Sheibley (also see printed report)
Dave reported that it was an average month of giving, and that it’s holding steady. We’re on schedule with budget, and thanks to the Thrift Shop we’re doing a little better on income. He’s a little concerned that normal pledges aren’t higher, given that the 40-for-40k project should have pushed us to see higher income than the budgeted pledge amounts each month. We have taken $20k out of investments so far this fiscal year. We’re doing OK, and paying all our bills.


Bridgewater Food Pantry – Bill O’Neil (see also Jack Melcher’s printed report)
Bill reported that Pat Conn, longtime volunteer at the pantry, is out of Lifecare and back home after her hospital stay. They picked up 1800 pounds of food today from the food bank. The pantry is seeing about 30 people per week recently. They have run out of gift cards for the moment. There has been a new volunteer at the pantry who is helping as a Portuguese translater. Carol Chaffee mentioned that perhaps the Easter sunrise service collection could be for the food pantry. Gordon thanked the food pantry staff for keeping the downstairs clean.
Rev. Beth circulated the new Food Pantry brochure.


Board of Stewardship – Carol Chaffee
Carol met with Rev. Beth regarding the Stewardship Sunday service on 3/26. She is working with Gail Wershing and Kathleen Mosher on the communications that are going to be going out regarding pledging. She noted that it was exciting to have a stewardship drive back.


Building Project – Barbara Morey
There hasn’t been any progress from the town on the building grant project. Barbara has sent several emails to the town and to the Rhode Island consultant, but received no responses.


Governance Committee – Anne Malmquist
Anne noted that this Sunday is our congregational meeting regarding the proposed new Constitution. At the next Cabinet meeting, she is hoping to have approval for a nominating committee. For the Constitution proposal, online voting goes live tomorrow (Thursday) and ends Monday at 9am.


Concert Fundraiser – Rev. Beth Stotts
Rev. Beth noted that plans are going along well. Diane is working on soliciting gift baskets for the raffle. Dave offered to help with running the twinkle lights. Rev. Beth is still in need of volunteers.


Heating System – Gordon Brailsford
A week ago the boilers went down. They came to fix them, and they went down again. They’re going again now, but they noted that the boilers are also leaking. Gordon wants to wait until spring when it gets warmer to have them repaired. He suggested that perhaps there is memorial money that can be used to help pay for the repairs.


Report from Kathleen Mosher – read by Anne Malmquist in Kathleen’s absence
• The Feminist Women of Faith group is going well. There are two women who are attending who aren’t part of our church. The next meeting is on April 23.
• Breakfast is going great. We have more people helping, and can always use more. June 4th will be the last breakfast of the season.
• The Q&A on the Pronoun Project went well. New nametags will be coming out in the next few weeks.


Central Closet Thrift Shop – Connie Chandler
Connie reported that the shop is going well, some weeks better than others. There are currently sales going on to get rid of the winter clothing. The racks of clothes will stay out in the fellowship hall Wednesday through Saturday unless there is a special event (like the Friday concert), to make setup and cleanup easier.



Women's Guild & Fellowship – Jane O’Connell
Next month’s meeting is on April 5. The theme is making a floral arrangement in a teacup. The rummage sale is Saturday, April 15. NOTE: the thrift shop isn’t open either the Wed or the Sat the week of the rummage sale.


History & Memorials Committee – Terry Reynolds
The committee will once again be selling flowers to decorate the altar on Easter. They can be ordered after worship beginning 3/19.


Christian Education – Terry Reynolds
Terry reported that there are 3 kids in the PreK-K class, 7 kids in the Grade 1-3 class, and 7 kids in the grade 4-6 class. The numbers have increased from 9 to 17 since the beginning of the year. There is one middle schooler and two high school students currently participating. The kids will be leading worship on Palm Sunday. Three older kids who have not received bibles are getting theirs this Sunday. 


Board of Christian Outreach – Bill O’Neil
The One Great Hour of Sharing collection is this Sunday.


Board of Trustees – Gordon Brailsford
Steve Chandler has been doing some improvements and repairs: he fixed the outlet/light behind the cross on the altar; he installed a light on the ramp; he put a hook and eye on the side door to be able to keep it open when needed; he repaired the sink in the bathroom. His work is much appreciated.


Rev. Beth closed the meeting in prayer at 8:05.


For the current CSCC calendar of events, click here: CALENDAR


Church Administration
Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, csccpastor @ hotmail.com

Congregational Receptionist: Jenne Foronjy, office@csccucc.com
Minister of Music: Julia Scott Carey 

Director of Video Evangelism: Paul Holmes
Treasurer:  David Sheibley 

Communications Coordinator: Diane Sheibley

Office email: office@csccucc.com
Office telephone:  (508) 697-6016
Website:  www.csccucc.org
Facebook pages: facebook.com/csccuccbridgewaterma (main page),
facebook.com/groups/801550253194149 (youth page)

Instagram: @centralsquarechurch 

Venmo: @cscc-ucc

Steeple Sounds submissions deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.


Amazon Shopping!

Shopping on Amazon and feeling generous? Check out the CSCC Wish List, and drop an item in your cart for us! CLICK HERE to take a peek at our Amazon wish list. (Whether you buy these items at Amazon or at other stores, this is what we need!)