So, here we are asking 40 donors to step up and pledge $20 more a week to plug a $40,000 hole in our operating budget. So far, we have 12 40-for-$40k pledges. We only need 28 more! Are you able to add your name to this project? If you cannot afford $20 a week any pledge increase or new pledge is still a huge help. If you are already pledging/giving an amount that is comfortable for you and your family, you are still contributing in an important way. We are grateful to every one of you!
First time pledgers may be wondering: How does pledging work? A bit of background.
• A pledge is a promise.
• Our church and its work are funded entirely by annual pledges and financial gifts from members and friends of this church. The cost to keep us going is $4,000 per week, bare bones.
• Your pledge/promise to give to this church is your personal decision. If you pledge and your financial situation changes, you can change the amount you pledged -- up or down -- at any time.
• We have no larger church in the background to fill our budgeted needs—or telling us what to do. Each Congregational church operates as its own congregation decides.
We must remember: WE are the church, and we are responsible.
See the link below for more information or to make your first pledge or increase your current pledge.
May the light of Christ shine on you,
Gail Wershing—for Stewardship
CLICK HERE for the 40-for$40k pledge form. You can mail it in, drop it in the Sunday collection plate, or scan and email it confidentially to
If you prefer to just fill it out online, CLICK HERE.
Remember, you need not be a member of the church to pledge! All are welcome!
Pledged funds may be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. All pledges are confidential.