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January 2025

We are a Christian community of people who are reaching out to our neighbors, 
at home and abroad, sharing our faith and our resources.


Central Square Congregational Church, UCC, of Bridgewater, Massachusetts is an open and affirming
church. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


From the Desk of Rev. Beth

Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, Pastor


I love that special moment at the end of the year where we celebrate the ways God moved through us in this past year, then begin to envision where God might be leading us in the coming year. January is one of my favorite months in the ministry cycle because it’s where we pause to take a breath after a busy Advent & Christmas season. There is space to dream big because we have the gift of a new year.


As we dive into what 2025 might hold, I would like to encourage all of us to try something new and be open to the opportunities that present themselves to us. Maybe there is an area of ministry that piques your interest. Maybe there is a new person in church you could strike up a conversation with. Maybe you are on the verge of making a new lifelong friend but just don’t know it yet. Let’s greet each other with a spirit of adventure as we explore the realm of new possibilities because with God, ALL things are possible.


There’s a passage of scripture that comes to mind when I think about the coming year.
“For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows? Perhaps you have come to royal dignity for just such a time as this.” –Esther 4:14


While we may not be facing the same kinds of challenges as Esther, we know that our world is full of uncertainties, fears, and pain. But because we are here, in this moment in time, we can make a difference. Maybe we are here for such a time as this—to witness for justice, to serve our neighbors in need, to offer a place of welcome and hospitality, no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey.


The word kairos was an ancient Greek word meaning “opportunity,” “season,” or “fitting time.” The Bible uses the word kairos and its cognates 86 times in the New Testament. The word often includes the idea of a suitable time for an action to take place. When we “seize the day,” we are living out our faith and taking advantage of the kairos given to us; a precious gift from God.


Friends, you were born "for such a time as this". I’m so looking forward to hearing how you live into the kairos of 2025 in our church community and beyond!


In Christ,
Rev. Beth

NEW! for 2025

Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri - 9am-1pm

and by appointment

Remote worship on Facebook and YouTube

Sunday Worship will continue to be livestreamed from the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. 
Use the link on the homepage of www.csccucc.org to access Sunday worship, or visit our Facebook page. Past worship services are also available in both places.

NEXT CABINET MEETING is Wednesday, January 15, 7pm

Monthly meetings of the church leadership are held in the Fellowship Hall. All church members are also welcome to attend. 


Please note: there are no Cabinet minutes included with this Steeple Sounds because there was no December meeting.



Do you need a meal, a call, spiritual care, or even just a prayer or a chat?

Contact the Pastor, a Deacon, or a member of our Care Team.


To contact Rev. Beth, call the church office at 508-697-6016 or email her at csccpastor at hotmail.com. 


CSCC Deacons
Deb Sorgman – debsorgman at gmail . com

Anne Malmquist - amalmquist at comcast . net

Cristi Ciaramitaro

Savannah Wells, Jr. Deacon

CSCC Care Team
Carol Chaffee  *  Bev Mitchell  *  Rev. Beth Stotts  *  Nina Gabel-Jorgensen

Contact the church office if you need us!


The Bridgewater Food Pantry, hosted and supported by CSCC, is open Thursdays, 10am-1pm, and the first Mondays of the month, 6-7:30pm (except holidays). All Bridgewater residents who are in need of food are welcome.

If you are a Bridgewater resident unable to come to the food pantry, but are in need of food, please contact the church office by email (office@csccucc.com) or phone (508-697-6016) and arrangements will be made for you.


CSCC Team Leadership 2024-25

Spiritual/Congregational Engagement Team Leaders:
Carol Chaffee, Linda Chipman, Deb Sorgman, Eric Stotts


Property & Finance Team Leaders:
Dave Hanson, John Sharland [one open position]


Community Engagement Team Leaders:
Heather Ciaramitaro, Diane Glass, Terry Reynolds



We continue to make it easier than ever to contribute to CSCC. The church accepts donations via Venmo! Aim your phone camera below, or use the Venmo app to send your donation to @cscc-ucc


Did you know that Venmo has lower fees to the church than Paypal? So if you can't decide which one to use, choose Venmo.




Coins for Kids Church : January 5


Don’t forget to bring your spare change for the Coins for Kids Church collection ! This helps to pay for Kids Church supplies and teaching materials.

We normally collect it on the first Sunday of the month, but feel free to bring it on any Sunday!


Rehearsals at 9:20am: Jan. 5 - Jan. 12 - Jan. 19

Performance at 10am: January 19

As 2025 begins, I would like to thank everyone who has helped with coffee hour/fellowship time. Your monetary donations as well as your gifts of time are sincerely appreciated. 

Please continue to join us on the second and fourth Sundays of the month as well as the first and sometimes the fifth Sundays of the month if there are volunteers to help out. Look for sign up sheets at coffee hour. 
Connie Chandler

Another great year. Thank you, thank you!!

Our sales bypassed last years by nearly $5000! We were also able to collect $400 for the furnace fund.

We are still in need of more volunteers. Pick.your day Wednesday or Saturday. Work 1 day or 4 days a month. Whatever works for you, will definitely work for us. We usually arrive at 9 and leave at 1:30. 


A few dates to note this month:
• We will be closed  Wednesday, January 1st.
• Saturday January 4th and Wednesday January 8th, all Christmas merchandise will be 75% off. 
• We will be closed  Saturday, January 11th. Back to regular hours January 15th. 
• In addition to Wednesdays and Saturdays we will be open on Sunday, January 26th from 11 - 2. Join us after worship for coffee and some shopping. 

We are still accepting new and gently used winter clothing, footwear, pocketbooks,  jewelry, household items, glassware, linens, books, and toys. Please no electronics and limit donations to 20 items per visit. Donations are accepted during shop hours: Wednesday 10-1 and Saturday 10 - 1.

Thanks to all for supporting us in our mission to help the church. We couldn't have done it without you. 

Lynn, together with Connie, Sandy, Jane and Gail 


This month’s potluck lunch following worship will be on Sunday, January 19, at 11am!

Book Study:
Blessed Are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness, Family and Church

“When do you learn that ‘normal’ doesn't include lots of yelling, lots of sleeping, lots of beating? In Blessed Are the Crazy: Breaking the Silence about Mental Illness, Family, and Church, Sarah Griffith Lund looks back at her father's battle with bipolar disorder, and the helpless sense of déjà vu as her brother and cousin endure mental illness, as well. Blessed Are the Crazy is more than a memoir-it's a resource for churches and other faith-based groups to provide healing and comfort. Part of The Young Clergy Women Project.”

Bring your coffee and join Rev. Beth in this important discussion.


There is NO COST for this training, which is valued over $170, and it is open to the public. 

Trainers: Jennie Babcock & Laura Rosenthal


Why Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a 7 1/2-hour course that teaches how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps an individual to learn to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders.
Continuing Education Credits

This program has been approved for 7.0 Social Work Continuing Education hours for relicensure, in accordance with 258 CMR. NASW-MA Chapter CE Approving Program, Authorization Number D91551.

There is a flat fee of $50 for CEUs (must attend entire 7.5-hour class for credit).


RSVP by January 5.

This advent season, Kids Church worked on a Christmas Pageant showing the birth story and performed it during worship on December 22. All of the kids were really excited to do it and I'm glad we could bring it back this year, and perform for the congregation! We also had our Christmas Tree in the Kids Church room, and our own advent candles that we lit and discussed every week - the meaning of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. 

We took up a Christmas collection for the Bridgewater Senior Center for their fellowship space so that they could have things like cookies, coffee, sudoku, and other puzzle books, and we will be delivering it to them early in the new year. Krissy will talk about Heifer (see below), but I'm looking forward to it personally as I know that it's one the kids’ favorite sections of the year. 

From all of us at Kids Church, we hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and we're looking forward to seeing everyone in 2025!

Eric Stotts
Director of Kids Church

The kids working on Advent curriculum with the amazing help of Ashley Earp.


January begins our Heifer International Program at CSCC when our Kids Church focuses on the importance of helping others abroad and at home through sustainability and kindness. For five weeks, children will explore the Heifer curriculum while preparing items to be sold at our Living Gift Market on February 9th. All the proceeds from the market go toward funding animals, plants, and projects of Heifer International.  

Please mark your calendars for February 9th as it is the culmination of their hard work and commitment to spread kindness and love by raising money for those in need around the world!  Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  

Krissy Cannizzo 
Krissycannizzo @ gmail.com

Thank you to all who donated clothing and/or cash for the Warmth in Cold Places program! The Chandlers, Canizzos, and O’Neils distributed these items to the homeless at the Taunton Soup Kitchen last month. 

On Sunday, January 12 we will be receiving an offering for Blanket Sunday. These monies will purchase blankets through Church World Service for the needy in our own country and around the world. Please give generously! Donations may be made during Sunday worship, by mailing a check to the church office, or by clicking HERE

Every $10 provides a blanket to someone in need. Thank you for your generosity.


Thank you to all who made donations to the staff Christmas gifts! Because of you, we were able to give our hard working staff nice little bonus checks to make the season a bit merrier.

Our December program was a meaningful Christmas service led by Rev. Beth with a sermon highlighting four women in the Bible. Communion was served by intinction and songs of the season were sung and played by Bob Richard on the piano. Under the guidance of our Sally Stewart, several members of the Guild met in early December and packed 15 boxes with toiletries, snacks, crossword/puzzle books, batteries and more donated by the Women’s Guild members. They were shipped to service men and women from the Bridgewater area to be shared with their units of 250-300 people in the countries of Jordan, Iraq, and Qatar. The items are for their backpacks when they go in the field. WG&F paid $364 in shipping costs from the proceeds of our fall rummage sale.

In our second giving opportunity this season, Guild members donated 42 sets of bath, hand and wash cloth sets at the December meeting. They were given to two sober houses (one women, one men) in Bridgewater as part of a Christmas service they participated in within their respective houses. Beth and Rob Basler delivered the wrapped Christmas gifts at the service and they were well received.

Our next program will be on Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30pm. Barbara Morey will entertain us with a travelogue on hunting jaguars in Brazil. Yes, she really did go there! All women in the Bridgewater community are welcome to attend! Invite a friend to arm chair travel with us for a night!

Thank you,
Donna O'Neil & Diane Glass

to the Providence Bruins!
Sunday, Jan. 26  •  3:05pm  •  Amica Mutual Pavilion

Great seats together and a P-Bruins Hat for all!   $25 per person

Purchase online at: www.Providencebruins.com/centralsquarechurch

Once you purchase your tickets online, you will receive an email on how to access your mobile tickets through your mobile device. 
If you have questions, contact Nick D’Amico with the Providence Bruins at 401-680-4740 or damico@pseagency.com.

Christmas Poinsettia Memorial List

The following people bought memorial poinsettias to decorate the church sanctuary during Christmas.


Given by ... In Loving Memory Of:

Kay Wheeler ... Julie Marie Lybarger

The Sheibley Family ... Loved Ones

Mindi Shave ... Rev. Gene Langevin

Bev Mitchell ... George Mitchell-we love you

Rev. Beth Stotts ... Jon Lybarger – miss you Dad

Bruce Maclay ... Mom & Dad, love Deb & Bruce

The Ciaramitaro Family ... Honoring Aunt Carmen & Remembering Uncle Adam 

Gordon and Connie Brailsford ... Our Loved Ones

Ellen Crawford & Troy Hubbell ... Loved Ones

Nina Gabel-Jorgensen ... “May we find the courage to do the hard and right thing.”

Natalie Muurisepp ... Koidula Muurisepp & “Sunny” George Moore

Terry & Bill Reynolds ... Loved Ones

Rachel Lawson ... The Lawson Family & The Holmberg Family

Jane O’Connell ... Loved Ones

Gail Wright ... Scott and Judy

Lynn Pietras ... Mum and Dad

Carol Chaffee ... Hope, Peace, Joy and Love Grows

Steve & Connie Chandler ... Mabel & Joseph Filipek & Chet & Mary Chandler    

Ashley Earp ... From Ashley Earp and Family
Darcy Britton ... Jean & Ralph Parker, Lester & Lois Sprague, Wendy Jean Britton, & Barbara Britton

The Path to Victory
by Sheri Turner


I am trying to remember this. I often feel overwhelmed by all that needs to be done in our world. Those that need to be fed and clothed. Those who have no shelter. Those who are wronged or coping with injustice of some kind. The research to cure illness and deformity that needs to be done. The pollution, the poisoning of our world that needs to be stopped. All kinds of moral imperatives to wade through.


This morning I found myself getting depressed about the enormity of what needs to be done. Every day I receive another flyer or envelope pleading with me to help some organization with their cause. Five dollars isn’t that much, these pleas state. Can you spare just five dollars? Many of them are for causes I want to support. Some of them I do. But there is still so much that needs to be done. How and when do you decide you can do no more? If I allow it I will drown in the need that exists.

The other issue I face when thinking about these things is which issues are legitimate? The way to find out is to do your research and put some thought into what you read and see. Using your judgement to discern what is honestly a good place to direct your resources requires that you educate yourself on the cause, the way the organization uses the resources donated to them, and the integrity of those who are serving those organizations. I don’t know about everyone else, but frequently I think to myself that I just cannot devote the kind of time necessary to research each and every cause that is out there. I feel inadequate. I wind up feeling not good enough. Not up to the task of helping.

Thank God for my husband Steve. When I am feeling overwhelmed with all the good that the world needs and my shortage of resources - not just money, but talent and time - I often discuss this with my husband and pray upon our discussions. He often has good advice. His advice today was to think about what I am passionate about and do what I can to help there. He also suggested that I not forget about what I AM doing. He reminds me of good things that I have done and the good I can continue to do. 

When I sat down and looked at the lectionary for Sunday, December 15, (when I was writing this), Zephania 3:17 jumped at me. It was a reminder that we are a community and need to work together to do all the good that needs doing. This passage states that God is there in our midst. This reminds me that I am not alone. God rejoices when we work together as a community to do good. It renews his love for us when he sees our cooperation and purpose aimed at helping others. While I may not have the time, talent, or treasure to do a lot of the good that needs to be done, we do. We as a community can pull together and direct our resources in such a way that more need is met. As a community we can accomplish more than we can as individuals. 

I believe that when we pool our resources and work to meet the very deep need that exists in our world, God “exults over us with loud singing.” So what is your passion? Do you have a heart for helping abused and abandoned animals? Work with those who share your passion to do all the good you can for as many of those abused and abandoned animals as you can. Does your heart ache when you see the struggle of those souls at the border fleeing from the violence or lack of resources in their home countries? Band together with others that share your empathy and kindness and do what you can to help. Whether you feel drawn to help those who are food insecure, homeless, or fighting addiction, there is something you can contribute. Maybe your strength is organizing. Perhaps you have been blessed with the ability to advocate. Is it possible your ability to network could be used to help people connect with agencies, people, or other resources to meet a need? Maybe you can use your expertise in cooking to make a difference? My point is that each of us has something they can contribute to helping others. Don’t hesitate to offer what you have to contribute. That wheelchair sitting in your garage gathering dust might help someone else who cannot afford one.

When I think of the possibilities that exist as a community, the potential for doing the most good we can for the most people we can, my heart sings. I think that is the part of God that is in all of us. That is God exulting over us with loud singing. Can you hear it?


For the current CSCC calendar of events, click here: CALENDAR


Church Administration
Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, csccpastor at hotmail.com

Office Manager: Jenne Foronjy, office@csccucc.com
Minister of Music: Julia Scott Carey 

Director of Video Evangelism: Paul Holmes
Treasurer:  David Sheibley 

Communications Coordinator: Diane Sheibley

Kids Church Director: Eric Stotts

Office email: office@csccucc.com
Office telephone:  (508) 697-6016
Website:  www.csccucc.org
Facebook pages: facebook.com/csccuccbridgewaterma (main page),
facebook.com/groups/801550253194149 (youth page)

Instagram: @centralsquarechurch 

Venmo: @cscc-ucc

Steeple Sounds submissions deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.


Amazon Shopping!

Shopping on Amazon and feeling generous? Check out the CSCC Wish List, and drop an item in your cart for us! CLICK HERE to take a peek at our Amazon wish list. (Whether you buy these items at Amazon or at other stores, this is what we need!)