The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Denise Molinari, Vice Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance: Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; Denise Molinari, Vice Moderator; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; Ed Buckland and Gordon Brailsford, Board of Trustees; Bill O’Neil, Board of Christian Outreach; Kathleen Mosher, Board of Stewardship; Terry Reynolds, Board of Christian Education and History & Memorials Committee; Ellen Crawford, Music Committee; Jane O’Connell, Women’s Guild & Fellowship
Additional attendees: Krissy Cannizzo
Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
Diane Sheibley took attendance and verified that a quorum was present.
January Minutes
The meeting minutes from the January meeting were presented and reviewed. Dave Sheibley motioned to accept the minutes as written; Rev. Beth seconded. The minutes were approved.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts (also see printed report)
Everything for Lent is being prepared, we’re just waiting on confirmation from David Hanson for the sunrise service at the farm. Rev. Beth will be making bookmarks with all of the Lenten dates on them, and they will be distributed in the Sunday bulletins. “Rest & Care” are the themes of Lent this year. The Blessing of the Stuffies will kick it off on Feb. 26. Rev. Beth thanked everyone that helped her develop and finalize the new membership packet. She is excited to distribute it to several people who have expressed interest in membership. She noted she has spent a lot of time helping get the youth group(s) up and running. There will be three groups: 4th-8th graders; high schoolers; and an LGBT youth group for the whole community. Scout Sunday will be March 12. Preparations have begun for the 3/24 Julia concert. Glassware has been ordered, thanks to Black Hat Brew Works for suggesting their supplier who gave us a really good rate. There continue to be a lot of pastoral calls.
Treasurer’s Report – David Sheibley (also see printed report)
Dave reported that last month was an OK one for income, and expenses have been pretty consistent, so we’re running a bit ahead. The stock market went up last month, so that helps. A question was asked about the two separate lines on the report, both marked “Paypal” account. Dave said this was an error and he will fix it. It should only appear once. Gordon read a list of how our budget deficit has increased each year in recent years, and noted we can’t support that trend forever.
Bridgewater Food Pantry at CSCC –Jack Melcher’s printed report and Bill O’Neil reporting at meeting
Bill noted that the Amazon warehouse on Elm St contacted the food pantry and subsequently brought over 4 large boxes of surplus items they had – cereal, cat food, etc. They said they would contact us periodically when they have more to donate. Jack’s report noted that 88 households were served in January, and a total of 807 bags were distributed.
Historical Church Building Committee – Terry Reynolds & Gordon Brailsford
Terry noted that there haven’t been any changes regarding the town. Gordon noted that he has a new draft of the grant agreement for review, and the first item is taking off all of the siding of the church. It was the committee’s understanding that they were not going to require that, as it’s a big expense. The process remains that both the grant agreement and the deed restriction need to be finalized and approved. The approval process is: we have to agree on all the terms; then our lawyers have to review and approve them; then the congregation has to approve them. Gordon still has concerns about what we’re being asked to commit to as a tradeoff for accepting the town’s grant money.
Pronoun Project – Kathleen Mosher
Kathleen noted that on March 5, Marci Langevin will be hosting a Q&A discussion regarding the Pronoun Project, following worship. She also noted that we got a lot of forms back from people in worship, picking their pronouns, and she feels like it’s going very well.
Concert with Julia Fundraiser – Rev. Beth
Rev. Beth made a motion that we allow the concert event on March 24 to hold a raffle. Terry seconded the motion. It was noted that it would be for gift baskets. Motion was approved.
Rev. Beth noted that the concert will be on Friday, March 24, and showed a picture of the commemorative wine glasses that she ordered for the event. The ticket price will include a wine glass. It was asked why we sometimes drop the “Congregational” from our name, and it was answered that sometimes the whole name with “Congregational” doesn’t fit and it has to be abbreviated.
Board of Trustees – Ed Buckland and Gordon Brailsford
Gordon noted that he is getting prices on fixing various things, and windows are getting repaired this week. He also noted that they helped fix the lights on the lower level for the food pantry.
Board of Stewardship – Kathleen Mosher
Kathleen noted that they will be doing a pledge drive soon. They also have more ideas for fundraising, and welcome any ideas anyone else has.
Board of Christian Education – Krissy Cannizzo and Terry Reynolds
Krissy announced that the total amount raised for Heifer is $1304.36, and that all the groups made their goals of what they wanted to sponsor. The kids and the volunteers had a Heifer Helper celebration last Sunday. Jane noted that there were leftover items from the living gift market that they tried to sell during thrift store hours.
Terry noted that the Kids Church teachers for Lent would be Eric Stotts, Connie Chandler, and Terry. The Palm Sunday worship service will be done completely by the kids.
Board of Christian Outreach – Bill O’Neil
Bill noted that the Board of Outreach on behalf of CSCC donated money to the Heifer project and Blanket Sunday, and will be making a donation to earthquake relief for Turkey and Syria.
Music Committee – Ellen Crawford
Rev. Beth requested that we play the chimes in church again soon.
History and Memorials Committee – Terry Reynolds
The committee will once again be selling Easter flowers in memory of loved ones, which will decorate the altar. Orders will be taken on the last three Sundays of March.
Women’s Guild & Fellowship – Jane O’Connell
The next meeting is on March 1, and Rob and Beth Basler will be presenting a slide show and telling stories of their experiences on the Maine coast.
Central Closet Thrift Shop – Jane O’Connell
Jane noted that they are getting too many donations, and people aren’t following the rules – there are holes in clothing, and stains. They also leave bags outside the side door, and at the door of the thrift shop. They might have to consider limiting donations.
Other Business
• Beth thanked everyone and wanted to celebrate the love and support that has been extended to Jae
• Kathleen announced that there will be a kitchen and closet cleanout on March 11, 9-3, to go through all the stuff that’s stored away, and combine like items, supplies everyone can use.
Rev. Beth closed the meeting in prayer at 7:50pm.