The meeting was called to order at 7:04 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance: Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; Anne Malmquist, Moderator; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; Gordon Brailsford and Ed Buckland, Board of Trustees; Bill O’Neil, Board of Christian Outreach; Terry Reynolds, Board of Christian Education and History & Memorials Committee; Jane O’Connell, Women’s Guild & Fellowship; Ellen Crawford, Music Committee.
Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a prayer.
Diane Sheibley took attendance and verified that a quorum was present.
September Minutes
The meeting minutes from the September meeting were presented and reviewed. Ellen Crawford motioned to accept them; Terry Reynolds seconded. The minutes were approved as presented.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts [also see written report]
Rev. Beth highlighted the following events from her report: We welcomed three new CSCC members this month; Lukas Hanson’s wedding; continued work on the Advent book study (“The Heart That Grew Three Sizes: Finding Faith in the Story of the Grinch”). She discussed her pulpit swap of Oct. 16, and observed the way the other church does things a bit differently. At least one of those things she’ll be incorporating into our worship services. It was a very good experience. Rev. Beth also noted that worship service on 10/30 will be All Saints Worship, and will also feature a Halloween costume parade.
Treasurer’s Report – David Sheibley [also see written report]
Dave reported that we are doing OK, although last month wasn’t a great month. We took $10,000 out of endowments to supplement cashflow, which we expected. We’ve gotten another couple 40-for-$40k pledges, so we’re up to 18.
Food Pantry – Bill O’Neil [also see written report]
Bill noted that 88 households were served in September. The report from the food pantry shows that donations last month were $900, and expenses were $5450. Today they started picking up items for the Thanksgiving baskets, including turkeys, some of which are being kept at Hanson Farm. Coupons were given out to food pantry patrons that allowed them to get $5 off at the Women’s Guild rummage sale, and the WG&F reported that people did, indeed, come to cash them in.
Board of Christian Outreach – Bill O’Neil
The Warmth in Cold Places annual drive will be coming up in December, and distribution will tentatively be done on December 12. Outreach allocated some money to a few outside projects and charities. Bill also noted that Ocean State Job Lot is running their “crazy deal” promotion to get money back on purchases, so he and Krissy will be heading over there to buy some items, and then be able to buy more.
Historical Church Building Committee – Anne Malmquist for Barbara Morey
Barbara was not able to attend the meeting, so Anne delivered her emailed report.
The president and vice president of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) met with the HCRC in September. Rachel Lawson, Terry Reynolds, Gordon Brailsford, and Barbara Morey were in attendance. Barbara informed them that we will not sign a deed restriction for just the Phase 1 award of $200,000. Decisions on Phases 2 & 3 along with approximate dollar amounts will have to be provided first.
The CPC wants to go ahead with the deed restriction paperwork process and have it approved by their committee and the town lawyer. It will next come to CSCC to be approved by the HCRC, Trustees, our lawyer, and Cabinet. If we approve of it, it can be signed after Phase 2&3 awards have been approved. Point of interest: there are 3 other buildings in Bridgewater that were given grants by the CPC and they each have a deed restriction on their property.
Terry added that they think everything will be in place and decided by December. Gordon noted that it looks like we might not have to remove the siding. The CPC advised us to review the Phase 2&3 requests to see if they can be reduced.
Governance Committee – Anne Malmquist
Anne reported that the committee to review and rewrite the Constitution and Bylaws has been meeting, and they are hoping to have a first draft at the beginning of the year. They are meeting again this Sunday after worship.
Church Fair – Diane Sheibley
Diane reminded all that the church fair is Friday, Nov. 4 (pie & coffee night), 6:30-8:30 and Saturday, Nov. 5, 9-1. Lunch on Saturday will be homemade soups and walking tacos. She noted that they are in need of: attic treasures donations, especially Christmas items; crockpots of soups; baked goods, pies, and candy; raffle baskets and gift cards, either donated by individuals, or from local businesses; and help on pie night.
Women’s Guild & Fellowship – Jane O’Connell
Jane reported that the rummage sale made $2,294. Ellen Crawford shared a story of someone who she works with who is new in town, and she came to the rummage sale and commented that everyone was so nice.
Board of Christian Education – Terry Reynolds
Terry reported that Kids Church is growing slowly, but growing! She announced a new project, “Coins for Kids Church”. Once a month, on communion Sunday, two kids will be in the sanctuary at the end of worship to collect people’s loose change to support Kids Church, for supplies, etc. Also, the Advent curriculum is coming up next.
New Business
• Rev. Beth noted that the side (Church St.) entrance will be closed this Friday and Saturday for Nic Cannizzo’s eagle scout project to renovate the side entrance area.
• There will be a dedication of the project after worship on November 13.
• Rev. Beth also reported that we’ve been contacted by the committee who is organizing festive lighting the Common for the holiday season to do some lighting on our front lawn. Volunteers are needed. Contact Rev. Beth or the church office.
• Diane reported that there is a new page on the website listing time and talent opportunities at the church.
• Trustees noted that the furnace people are coming tomorrow for routine maintenance.
Rev. Beth closed the meeting in prayer at 7:40pm.