The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance: Anne Malmquist, Moderator; Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; John Sharland, Property and Finance Team; Krissy Cannizzo, Community Engagement Team; Carol Chaffee, Congregational Engagement Team
Diane Sheibley took attendance. Quorum was met.
Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
September Minutes
The meeting minutes from the September meeting were presented and reviewed. John Sharland motioned to accept the minutes as written; Dave Sheibley seconded. The minutes were approved as written.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts
Rev. Beth reported that there is a lot coming up: the fair, the “Night at the Opera” concert fundraiser, among other things. The Episcopal church in town has recently gotten a pastor. There will be a 7pm Thanksgiving service on 11/21 at CSCC, with other churches participating. People will be asked to bring a nonperishable food donation and monetary donations for the food pantry. Rev. Beth met with the people at The Well, and will be participating in a children’s grief program. Christmas, being on a Sunday this year, will be comprised of the 10am service, which will the family service, half 4th Sunday of advent, and half Christmas eve; as well as the 10pm candlelight Christmas eve service. Dec. 12 is music Sunday. Rev. Beth is conducting a workshop at the senior center on writing your obituary, on Nov. 1. Finally, she is helping to organize a Holiday Open Mic night on Dec. 8. It will be a multigenerational event, and performers need to sign up ahead of time. The Grinch will make an appearance at the cocoa and cookies reception following, and Al Lucerda will be taking pictures.
Treasurer’s Report – Dave Sheibley
Dave reported that we did OK last month. We’re on track with budget revenue, and expenses are a bit lower than budget so far. Rev. Beth asked Dave if, with all the new technologies (venmo, paypal, etc), is the job still manageable? Dave replied that it’s a little more time at the end of the month, but it’s still fine. As an aside, it was noted that Venmo has lower fees than Paypal, so if people have both at their disposal, Venmo is better.
Community Engagement Team – Krissy Cannizzo
Krissy noted that they haven’t met lately since they met so many times in September before Autumnfest. It was noted that the Stotts hosted breakfast last Sunday. Ginny Young is all set to do coffee hour this weekend.
Property & Finance Team – John Sharland
John talked to Sandy Kuipers about being involved in fundraising (along with Lynn Pietras and Kathleen Mosher). They will be invited to the P&F Team meeting on November 8 to discuss being the fundraising committee. John & Rich are working on getting the furnaces ready for the cold season and to be turned on (they need annual maintenance first). It was suggested that we should keep the air conditioning unit that’s currently in the fireplace room for next year. It can be kept in the sacristy. Electrical stuff (lights, etc) was delivered today for installation this week. For the Saturday work day, it’s going to rain on Saturday, so painting won’t happen, but John will make sure it happens before winter.
John also discussed the group that expressed interest in using a room in the church for their office, in exchange for a user fee. Rev. Beth researched and drafted an agreement, but they decided it was more expensive than they could afford (the charge was to be $800/month). But we now have an agreement template we can use for the next potential user.
Spiritual Engagement Team - Rev. Beth
There is a sermon series going on for the month of October. There is also going to be a sermon series at the end of November. Christmas eve services have been set and were discussed during the Pastor’s report.
2024 Service Trip – Rev. Beth
Rev. Beth will meet with the Community Engagement Team regarding fundraising. We likely can’t do the same kinds of fundraising projects we did for the youth mission trips. So far there are 6 adults and 3 youth interested.
Annual Church Fair – Diane Sheibley
Diane reported that the fair will take place on Friday evening, Nov. 3, 6:30-8:30 (“Pie Night”) and Saturday, Nov. 4, 9-1. Plans are going well. Homemade soups and walking tacos will be sold for lunch. Diane asked permission to have raffles at the fair, and Rev. Beth asked for the same on the night of the concert (11/10). Diane motioned, Rev. Beth seconded. The motion was approve.
Next Cabinet Meeting
Several people noted that they would not be available for the normal Cabinet meeting date of 11/15, so it was decided that Cabinet would meet on 11/29.
Rev. Beth offered a closing prayer.
The meeting ended at 7:54pm.