Location: Fellowship hall, Church
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance:
Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor
Anne Malmquist, Moderator
David Sheibley, Treasurer
Nina Gabel-Jorgensen, Clerk
John Sharland, Property and Finance Team
Terry Reynolds, Community Engagement Team
Carol Chaffee, Congregational and Spiritual Engagement Team
Others in Attendance:
Dave Hanson, Lynn Pietras, Gail Wright
Nina Gabel-Jorgensen took attendance. Quorum was met.
Reverend Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
August and September Minutes
The meeting minutes from the August and September meeting were presented and reviewed. Anne Malmquist motioned to accept the minutes as written. Reverend Beth and Carol Chaffee seconded. The minutes were approved as written.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts
1. Continued working with a clergy coach. Researching alternative models of ministry for a ¾ time pastorate.
2. Organized a Paint Nite Fundraiser. Ms. Jenn Paints will teach and is only charging us ½ of her regular fee.
3. Met with the co-directors of the Plymouth County Suicide Prevention Coalition. We will be hosting a Mental Health First Aid course on January 11 from 10am-5pm. We will be providing lunch.
4. Organized a taco lunch for National Taco Day.
5. Organized an all-church outing to the Providence Bruins on January 26.
Treasurer’s Report – Dave Sheibley
1. September was better $14k!! Year over Year on par with last year
2. No extraordinary expenses. 13k property bill.
3. Rev. Beth - clergy need to have a certain number of trainings. She has one this month and another in February. They are required. They cost money to attend.
4. Approximately $4500 so far for the Boiler Fund.
Community Engagement Team – Diane Glass
1. Put together 100 bags for Autumn Fest. Gave them all out. Was a good day.
2. Food Pantry - Connie got two people to help out with Food Pantry to give her a break. It’s going well. They have a need for a translator to assist with communicating with some of the clients.
3. The Rummage sale made approximately $1.8k. Attendance appeared lower than last year. St. Thomas also had their Rummage sale on the same day. They were very busy (anecdotally).
4. Extending Neighbors in Need deadline.
5. Paint night is almost sold out :)
6. The “Swinger sign” needs to be upgraded. Letters don’t stick.
7. There is a need for an easel as well. Need a substantial one that doesn’t tip over.
8. Enchantment night is coming along well. Some of the events will include:
a. Shields
b. Magic Wand
c. Fortune telling with ice cream cones
d. Story telling
e. herbology
f. Potions
g. Food - three long tables with floating candles.
Donations from Congregation will be requested.
Congregational and Spiritual Engagement Team – Carol Chaffee
1. There are a good amount of new kids in Kid’s church. Kid’s church is going well.
2. Sign up for Lentil soup with Reverend Beth.
3. Church Fair - Diane S. has been very helpful. Is coming together. Carol is working hard getting all the moving pieces together.
4. New Member info session 11/17 during potluck lunch. Childcare will be available. They have a big group!
5. Thanksgiving service re: ecumenical Tuesday service. Hard to get the clergy together to do this. UU and Meth ministers don’t want to do it. Maybe take a break this year.
6. Julia wants to do a concert one of the weekends in January.
Property & Finance Team – John Sharland
1. North River Collaborative - sign being put out. NRC didn’t communicate to the Team about the implementation of the sign. No one at church made a unilateral decision to do this. The decision was made by the NRC and they took the initiative.
2. Flat roof to be repaired. Matter of when Todd is available.
3. Sidewalk is on hold.
4. Boilers are on. When the little boiler is on, a little bit of steam comes out. Big boilers have three switches to turn on. No time is set yet for the new boiler installation. No call to the office yet to say when they’re going to be in. Need to follow-up with Forni to see when they are coming and if the equipment is available. Sheri Turner is learning how to
write grants and needs assistance. No new sexton yet.
New Business
Opportunity Fair - Sunday afternoon 10/20. This event will explore all the many ways a congregant can volunteer in Church life. Example: Food Pantry, Thrift Shop, Usher, Fair.
Wish list - what are some skill sets that the Church needs? Grant Writing, Painting. John will make a Poster explaining funding and how the Church “runs”.
Closing prayer by Reverend Beth.
Anne Malmquist moved we adjourn. Nina Gabel-Jorgensen and Carol Chaffee seconded. All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Next meeting November 20th, 2024.