The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Reverend Beth
Cabinet members in attendance :
Reverend Beth, Pastor
Nina Gabel-Jorgensen, Clerk
John Sharland, Property and Finance Team
Carol Chaffee, Congregational and Spiritual Engagement Team
Heather Ciaramitaro, Community Engagement Team
Treasurer absent
Moderator absent
Others in Attendance:
Nina Gabel-Jorgensen took attendance. Quorum was met.
Rev Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
August Minutes
The August meeting minutes from the August meeting will be reviewed next month with the September minutes. Minutes were missing from email with handouts.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts
1. Continued with W.I.S.E. Process is going well
2. Cleaned up Marathon park.
3. Lots of new visitors and faces. Shared the membership manual. Hoping to have a membership cohort for the Fall. Requested for Carol’s assistance with new membership.
Treasurer’s Report – Rev Beth reviewed Dave’s report
1. Not doing too well
2. Thrift shop strong contributor
3. Hoping to put together a painting event to raise funds
4. Investments continue to do well. The market is strong.
Community Engagement Team – Heather Ciaramitaro
1. Kathleen Mosher is not available to manage Sunday Breakfast anymore nor is Owen. The Sunday Breakfast proved challenging for those in charge. However, there are lots of other eating opportunities. Discussion about the purpose of the Sunday Breakfast - primarily for drawing in new membership.
2. The Luncheon and Potluck were successes. Discussion regarding coordination of clean up crews to support the members who put in the work providing the food.
3. Witches and Wizards - in progress. The Fireplace room will be decorated. Magical Passports will be passed out with a stamp at each station. $15 per person, $50 cap per family of 4. Pop up tents. There will be Magic wand making.
4. Autumn fest is on the 28th.
Congregational and Spiritual Engagement Team – Carol Chaffee
1. After-church picnic was a success. Everything fell into place. Folks enjoyed it.
2. Soup making next month.
3. Fair committee (6 people). Met on the 10th. Turkey supper is coming back on the night of Fair. Dave Moore has agreed to facilitate the kitchen. Pie night is on Saturday night. Fair is going to be called the Harvest fair. We will be using Hebrew scripture as the theme.
4. Discussion regarding an Opportunity fair. It was suggested that it be incorporated in the Lunch and potlucks.
5. We are passing around sign-up boards for ushers, liturgists and greeters.
6. We are a small Church. Everyone should have a role of some kind to support the Church’s mission and existence.
7. New kids at kid’s church. 5 or 6 new kids.
8. Retreat? Maybe pair up with a church? Discussion about service opportunities for our youth such as Cradles to Crayons, raking leaves, etc.
Food Pantry - John Sharland
1. Dave S got an email from Jack M. There was concern expressed about the reimbursement system not meeting their needs. They use their own credit cards. They get reimbursed. They wanted a dedicated account for food pantry expenses set up. Dave S. was ok with that. Dave would be a co-signer. They are going to open an account and move about $2,000 at the credit union. That account will be used for reimbursing expenses. Concern that might be more work for Dave. This was confirmed at the property and finance committee meeting.
2. 150 households served. They had so many people they had to reuse numbers. Very busy. The town of Bridgewater gave 5.9k to the food pantry.
Property & Finance Team – John Sharland
1. Dave Hanson agreed to call Forni to replace the furnace. Blurb asking for donations in the newsletter. The final price is $21,000. John will coordinate with Forni to let them in to do the work. Nina will look into Gofundme and IG and FB for fundraising. Diane Shiebley added a separate QR code for furnace fund to the church website. Discussion about getting grant funding.
2. NRC is doing well. There are 3 students now. September check received. So far so good.
3. Dave Hanson - set back on 2 items
a. flat roof repair delayed. Last week they agreed to pay someone to fix the roof. Dave will call Chris Todd (does work at farm) to fix it. Will pay him.
b. Sidewalk needs repair. Dave Hanson agreed to call Dave Ferrari who does form work, to get leftover concrete and use that to fix the sidewalk.
4. Rich Sullivan said he will be around the next 6 to 8 months while his house is being built.
John Sharland move we adjourn Nina Gabel-Jorgensen and Reverend Beth seconded.
All were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm
Next meeting October 16th, 2024