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September 2022

We are a Christian community of people who are reaching out to our neighbors, 
at home and abroad, sharing our faith and our resources.


Central Square Congregational Church, UCC, of Bridgewater, Massachusetts is an open and affirming
church. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

From the Desk of Rev. Beth

Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, Pastor


My best friend gifted me the book The Turquoise Table last year and when I began reading it, I immediately knew we needed to read it as a church. The book is about how the author, Kristin Schell, was inspired to open the door to relationships and conversations in her neighborhood by putting a turquoise picnic table in her front yard.  She was nervous in stepping outside of her comfort zone, but felt this was her mission field – to provide a welcome space for all to enter and share their deepest selves. Her passion and vulnerability was even showcased on the “Today” show as others have started putting turquoise tables in their front yards too.

It made me realize that the church needed a turquoise table too. I had spent the past several months looking for used picnic tables online but found them to be more than I could afford. Then, two days before we were scheduled to meet for our book discussion, someone told me that Star Drive-In was giving away their old picnic tables, so I called them up. They had one left and said it was mine if I wanted to come and get it. When my husband came home from work we drove over and with the help of two strangers, hoisted the 10-foot table in the back of his truck. As we pulled in the driveway at home, our neighbor across the street came over and helped unload it. The following day, we repaired rotted boards. We sawed, sanded, and painted (the actual color is the Pantone Color of the Year for 2022 called “Rolling Surf”).  

It was ready just in time for our book study.  Our beautiful turquoise table. A place out in the open, a place for all to gather to invite authentic conversations during this unsettling and turbulent time. There are so many topics to discuss: COVID-19, distance learning, trauma, mental health, racism. There are so many wounds and hurts and frustrations that need sharing…and healing.

Our faith teaches us that healing happens at the table.  
We each need to do our part.
We need to listen.
Lead. Love. Learn.

At the table. The table is a safe place to face our vulnerabilities, ask questions, and reflect on experiences – good and bad. What matters most is the connection.


We need a few more turquoise tables in the world. Will you join me at ours?
Rev. Beth


Tuesday thru Thursday, 9am-1pm

or by appointment



Use the link on the homepage of www.csccucc.org to access Sunday worship.

There is also a link to access past services, as well as past service bulletins.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO streaming of the service on Sept. 4.


NEXT CABINET MEETING is Wednesday, September 21, 7pm

at the church

Monthly meetings of the church leadership are currently being held in the Fellowship Hall. All church members are also welcome to attend. 




Do you need a meal, a call, spiritual care, or even just a prayer or a chat?

Contact the Pastor, a Deacon, or a member of our Care Team.


To contact Rev. Beth, call the church office at 508-697-6016 or email her at csccpastor @ hotmail.com. 


CSCC Deacons
Deb Sorgman – debsorgman @ gmail.com

Jae Stotts - jaestotts @ gmail.com

CSCC Care Team
Carol Chaffee
Phoebe Hogg
Bev Mitchell

Rev. Beth Stotts

Contact the church office if you need us!


NONPERISHABLES ARE NEEDED! If you are able to buy a few extra items at the grocery store, please consider donating some nonperishable food items to the food pantry in the next few weeks. “Whatever you like to eat, that’s what you should donate,” is the advice from the staff. Donations can be dropped off at the church during church office hours, Sunday mornings, or any time the building is open for meetings or events.


The Bridgewater Food Pantry, hosted and supported by CSCC, is open Thursdays, 10am-1pm, and the first Mondays of the month, 6-7:30pm. COVID protocols are in place and adhered to for the safety of all. All Bridgewater residents who are in need of food are welcome.

If you are a Bridgewater resident unable to come to the food pantry, but are in need of food, please contact the church office by email or phone (below) and arrangements will be made for you.




We continue to make it easier than ever to contribute to CSCC. The church now accepts donations via Venmo! Aim your phone camera below, or use the Venmo app to send your donation to @cscc-ucc



From the Desk of the Sexton: Volunteers Needed 

Since announcing my window shutters project in the August Steeple Sounds, I have been approached by several volunteers. Thank you! I am still in need of just 2-3 more, for helping to take the shutters down, and transporting them back and forth between my house and the church.
The project is the refurbishing of the window shutters on the windows along the sides of the sanctuary. This would require taking down the shutters, then transporting them to my home where I could scrape, sand, and paint them. Then the shutters would need to be transported back to the church and put back into place on the windows.    

I’m happy to do the real beautification work, I just need a few extra sets of hands and an appropriate vehicle or two.

If you would be willing to assist me, please contact me by email or phone/text at  Sully1950@comcast.net or 339-933-5436.
Thank you in advance.

Rich Sullivan



Sunday, September 18, 9:00a.m.

For those of you that remember way back before the pandemic, we used to gather for hot breakfast before worship service on the first and third Sundays of each month. Thanks to the efforts and enthusiasm of Tom Struzik and his trusty crew, we will once again have the privilege of a tasty beginning to our Sundays twice a month, beginning Sunday, September 18. 

If you haven’t been before, we can’t wait to see you there this Fall. If you have been before, welcome back! 

The price is right -- pay what you can. And if you can’t pay anything, we welcome you all the same. You won’t want to miss this! This event is open to the community, so bring your friends!

Please join us for a time of fellowship following Sunday worship, beginning September 11, downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Feel free to bring a snack to share, on this or any Sunday. 


Our Junior Choir provides a way for the younger members of our congregation to become involved in the musical life of our church. 
Children are not required to read music to join the Junior Choir. The choir is a great way to build music literacy and confidence, as well as providing opportunities for young people to express themselves musically and spiritually, while having lots of fun!   

CLICK HERE for full details and to register, or contact the church office.

Registration deadline is SEPTEMBER 25.

Senior choir resumes Sunday, September 11, at 9:15a.m. 
All are welcome! 
No previous experience needed.

The Women’s Guild and Fellowship will be holding their Annual Fall Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 15, at the church.
We are looking for good, clean donations of: fall/winter clothing for the entire family, shoes, hats, bags, linens, household items, Christmas/Fall decorations, glassware, jewelry, sporting goods, and toys. We do not accept electronics, hardcover books, and big furniture. We appreciate your donations of clean, useful stuff. 

You can drop them off at the church during the week of Oct. 10: Tues., Wed., Thurs, 9am - 1pm; Fri. 9am - 5 pm; or any other time the church is open for meetings that week.

Jane O’Connell, Co-President




You Still Have Time!


So, Okay, the fun part of summer is officially over. It’s September. The pandemic has been curbed. Back to communal worship and back to business.

We started the 40 for $40K project soon after our congregation voted to approve the new annual budget starting in July. The vote by an overwhelming majority approved a $43,000 deficit. The easy idea was that we could move money from our church “savings” to solve that problem.

Some think that is not the best idea. After all, we have been moving money from the so-called savings for several years. Soon, if this solution continues, we will have no savings.

So, it is in all of our hands to redirect our efforts. 


Any increase in your pledge and any first-time pledge of your monetary gifts will go to reducing—or even eliminating—that budget deficit.
We suggest an increase or new pledge of $20 a week for this effort. Pledges can be gifted weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. So, that’s $20 a week, $260 a quarter, $520 for six months – or a one-time yearly gift of $1040.

If you were a member of a club, a sorority, a fraternity, you would be paying dues to belong. Church is not like that. We have no mandatory member or participant fees. We simply ask that you give what you can to keep our congregational experience alive and well.


May the light of Christ shine upon you—
Gail Wershing for Stewardship


CLICK HERE for the 40-for$40k pledge form. You can mail it in, drop it in the Sunday collection plate, or scan and email it confidentially to treasurer@csccucc.com


If you prefer to just fill it out online, CLICK HERE.


Remember, you need not be a member of the church to pledge! All are welcome! 


Pledged funds may be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. All pledges are confidential.




Hello Friends!

I wanted to share some information with you regarding Confirmation at CSCC. I would be happy to work with your youth this year if they are interested in a year long, confirmation experience. If they would rather have a more immersed and intensive confirmation experience, the Southern New England Conference of the UCC is offering Confirmation Retreats that would be a single overnight, or a weekend long experience on the date of your choice.  Upon completion of the retreat, the youth would then have the ritual of confirmation here at the church.  

Please let me know what your youth’s preference would be. I will support them in whatever option they choose.  Let me know if you have any questions.  

Rev. Beth

Coming Home!


It’s time to come home, home to Central Square Congregational Church, UCC in Bridgewater, MA. We have been away far too long. We have missed our friends, our worship, our singing, our quiet place, our support system, our faith community. So, it is time to come home this September. It is time to worship together, to fellowship together, to share a meal together, and to rebuild our church community together. Our church needs us and we need our church.

There are many definitions of home. Everything from our home as we know it to heading for home when we rounded third base. I chose a few to share with you that, to me, define my church, your church, OUR CHURCH.


The place where you feel that you belong, usually because your ideas or attitudes are the same as those of the people who live there.


A place where one likes to be; restful or congenial place.


To the center or heart of a matter; closely; directly; deeply.


The place where something is discovered, founded, developed, or promoted; a source.


An environment offering security and happiness.

Care Team blessings to all!
Carol Chaffee




Fundraiser Alert!

Mark your calendars and tell your friends!

15% of the Black Hat Brew Works sales on October 6 will be donated to CSCC, as part of their program to give back to the community.


CSCC t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies! 
Child & adult sizes.    Lots of color choices! 

CLICK HERE to place your order (or just look)!



Did somebody say WALKING TACOS? 

CSCC is considering having a booth at this Fall’s Autumnfest sponsored by the BBA, where we’ll sell some of our most popular food items, like walking tacos, and baked goods, as a fundraiser for the church.


What we need are just 3-4 volunteers to work the booth on Saturday, September 24, 10am-3pm. All arrangements will have been made, and everything will be ready for you. We just need you to greet and serve the customers. It’s easy and fun! Please contact Diane Sheibley at dianesheibley@gmail.com. NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 9, or the church office, for more information or to volunteer.

Kids Church
(formerly known as “Sunday School”)

I am so excited about Kids Church this year. So many wonderful events and happenings are going to take place.  It will be a year of surprises! This year is being divided into quarters — we will lead off each quarter with a new fun activity that will introduce the theme. Here’s what it looks like: 

The first Sunday following Labor Day weekend, September 11, will be a WELCOME BACK SUNDAY! Everyone is invited back to church and come together in the Sanctuary – it has been a while since adults and children have been together in worship! Following the service, parents will have an opportunity to fill out registration forms for Kids Church. 

September 18 will be CELEBRATION SUNDAY, and will kick off the Kids Church year with a special, fun activity in which all the children of the church will participate. (Girls and boys, you will find out what that activity is when you come to Kids Church that day.) You will also meet your first quarter Kids Church teachers. 

October 2nd is another Sunday we are urging you to attend. It is a Sunday all third, fourth, and fifth graders (and maybe more) will receive something special. 


We will kick off the Kids Church year with the Spark Program curriculum Activate Your Faith.  The teacher will prepare the children to hear the Bible story, open the Spark Bible, and explore the story in interactive, age-appropriate ways. The children will try a variety of multisensory activities that integrate Bible learning with life. The children will come together at the end of the lesson with a wrap-up and closing prayer. 



The second quarter will explore Advent, the stories that lead up to the birth of Jesus. The culminating activity for this quarter will be determined by the students and teachers. 


The third quarter the children will learn about Heifer Project, why we participate, how what we do helps other families around the world, and finally we will raise funds for Heifer with the culminating event (and a favorite of all the children), the Living Gift Market. 



The last quarter the children will learn about Lent. The children will hear stories of Jesus’ life, culminating the series with the events of Holy Week. How we share that information will be determined by the children and teachers. 


Four weeks remain where the children will spend one week reviewing each quarter with fun games and activities (April 23, April 30, May 7, May 14).  

We will have a different team of teachers working with the children each quarter. Each team will teach their particular subject area for 7 weeks. Each team will have 3 teachers; one will work with pre-k & K children; the second teacher with grades 1 & 2; the third teacher with grades 3 to 6. The children who are 12 will be assigned to a teacher each quarter. Their role is twofold – to continue learning about the Bible; and learning to serve their Kids Church class and the church according to their gifts.   

For Kids Church to work this year we need your help. We have set up the Kids Church program this year so teachers may attend worship most of the church year: each teacher only needs to volunteer for 7 weeks. Will you volunteer for 7 Sundays?

Each program will have some culminating event. You may be needed for one Sunday, or a few Sundays. Will you volunteer for one Sunday, or 2 or 3, specifically for this special event?    

Terry Reynolds

Let's get September and October dates filled in! CLICK HERE and then on the appropriate position.



Sunday, Sept. 4 : Communion Sunday
Outdoor worship at 10a.m. on the front lawn at the Turquoise Table (feel free to bring a chair or blanket)

Today’s worship is in-person only.


Sunday, Sept. 11 : Welcome Back Sunday! 
Worship  at 10a.m. (online and in person)
Senior Choir resumes 9:15a.m.
Fellowship Time following worship


Sunday, Sept 18 : Celebration Sunday! 
Breakfast is back! 9a.m. 
Worship  at 10a.m. (online and in person)
Kids Church (a/k/a Sunday School) begins! (children start off in worship)
Fellowship time following worship


Sunday, Sept 25
Worship  at 10a.m. (online and in person)
Kids Church (children start off in worship)
Fellowship time following worship



For the current CSCC calendar of events, click here: CALENDAR


Church Administration
Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, csccpastor @ hotmail.com

Congregational Receptionist: Jenne Foronjy, office@csccucc.com
Minister of Music: Julia Scott Carey 

Director of Video Evangelism: Paul Holmes
Treasurer:  David Sheibley 

Office email: office@csccucc.com
Office telephone:  (508) 697-6016
Website:  www.csccucc.org
Facebook pages: facebook.com/csccuccbridgewaterma (main page),
facebook.com/groups/801550253194149 (youth page)

Instagram: @centralsquarechurch 

Venmo: @cscc-ucc

Steeple Sounds submissions deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.