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September 2024

We are a Christian community of people who are reaching out to our neighbors, 
at home and abroad, sharing our faith and our resources.


Central Square Congregational Church, UCC, of Bridgewater, Massachusetts is an open and affirming
church. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.


From the Desk of Rev. Beth

Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, Pastor


If you are a craftsman . . . only look at your tools, your needle, your thimble, your beer barrel, your articles of trade, your scales, your measures, and you will find this saying written on them . . . “My dear, use me toward your neighbor, as you would want him to act toward you with that which is his.”        
-From Martin Luther, Weimarer Ausgabe 32, pp. 495–496 (The Sermon on the Mount).


Over the years, one of the markers of the beginning of the Fall program year has been the Blessing of the Backpacks. It is a rite that helps our faith community bless children as they return back to school, assures both children and adults that God is with them wherever they go, and reminds us, as Martin Luther wrote, that everything inside that backpack can be a means by which we can serve and bless our neighbors.


As schools and work become more digitally-integrated, and for us to be more inclusive of the cycles of school and work throughout the lifespan, why don’t we try a Blessing of the Devices?  Just as we bless the physical symbols and tools of our learning, we can also bless and mark the digital devices through which so much of schooling, work, and life are now mediated. 


I offer you this blessing (inspired by Dr. Elizabeth Drescher) in the hope that you will incorporate it intentionally into the changing of seasons. Find a quiet moment, gather your devices, and pray the following blessing.


God, you call me to share your Good News of love, justice and peace with a world in need. You have gifted me with rich resources from scripture, tradition, reason, and experience which have allowed humans to develop new ways of listening to the voices of many others, attending to their interests and concerns, connecting with diverse peoples and groups, and engaging them as a people of faith. I ask your blessing on the many devices I use so that I may better love and serve my neighbors in a changing world. May they never become distractions from relationships, or an idol in my hands. May I always remember that your Son, Jesus Christ is the One, True mediator of your love and grace in the wired world. Amen.


Backpack blessings often include a tag or pin that is used to mark the backpack as “blessed.”  Stickers could play a similar role in a blessing of devices.  They can be used on the back of cell phones, laptops, or tablets.  I invite you to pick out a sticker to place on your devices as a reminder to use your devices to be a blessing in the world, through Jesus who teaches us LOVE.


May you bless the world with all that you are.
Happy September!
In Christ,
Rev. Beth

Tue 11-3, Wed-Thu-Fri 9-1

and by appointment

Remote worship on Facebook and YouTube will resume September 8. 

Sunday Worship will continue to be livestreamed from the Sanctuary at 10 a.m. beginning on Sept. 8.
Use the link on the homepage of www.csccucc.org to access Sunday worship, or visit our Facebook page. Past worship services are also available in both places.

NEXT CABINET MEETING is Wednesday, September 18, 7pm

Monthly meetings of the church leadership are held in the Fellowship Hall. All church members are also welcome to attend. 



Do you need a meal, a call, spiritual care, or even just a prayer or a chat?

Contact the Pastor, a Deacon, or a member of our Care Team.


To contact Rev. Beth, call the church office at 508-697-6016 or email her at csccpastor at hotmail.com. 


CSCC Deacons
Deb Sorgman – debsorgman at gmail . com

Anne Malmquist - amalmquist at comcast . net

Savannah Wells, Jr. Deacon

CSCC Care Team
Carol Chaffee  *  Bev Mitchell  *  Rev. Beth Stotts  *  Nina Gabel-Jorgensen

Contact the church office if you need us!


The Bridgewater Food Pantry, hosted and supported by CSCC, is open Thursdays, 10am-1pm, and the first Mondays of the month, 6-7:30pm (except holidays). All Bridgewater residents who are in need of food are welcome.

If you are a Bridgewater resident unable to come to the food pantry, but are in need of food, please contact the church office by email (office@csccucc.com) or phone (508-697-6016) and arrangements will be made for you.


CSCC Team Leadership 2024-25

Spiritual/Congregational Engagement Team Leaders:
Carol Chaffee, Linda Chipman, Deb Sorgman, Eric Stotts


Property & Finance Team Leaders:
Dave Hanson, John Sharland [one open position]


Community Engagement Team Leaders:
Heather Ciaramitaro, Diane Glass, Terry Reynolds



We continue to make it easier than ever to contribute to CSCC. The church accepts donations via Venmo! Aim your phone camera below, or use the Venmo app to send your donation to @cscc-ucc


Did you know that Venmo has lower fees to the church than Paypal? So if you can't decide which one to use, choose Venmo.




Coins for Kids Church


Don’t forget to bring your spare change for the Coins for Kids Church collection ! This helps to pay for Kids Church supplies and teaching materials.

We normally collect it on the first Sunday of the month, but feel free to bring it on any Sunday!

Fall Fellowship Time

September is the time we return from summer travels, or perhaps just a summer of relaxing close to home. Whether you attended summer worship or not, most likely you missed seeing some of your church family. So let us gather, converse, catch up, and support each other. 

After worship fellowship time will take place on the second and fourth Sunday each month, beginning on September 22nd. Coffee hour involves a simple set up of starting the coffee and arranging a few goodies around 9:15, serving the coffee after worship, and cleaning up. Ideally it is best handled with 2-3 volunteers. This means we need a few hands on those Sundays — a small commitment of time for the gift of friendship and fellowship received. 

Please consider helping out. We will have a sign-up sheet as the year progresses. Contact Connie Chandler (508-345-3744) or the church office with a date you would like to help out.

Have you ever thought about joining the choir?

Did you know that the only "commitment" needed is to get to church a little bit earlier on Sunday mornings?

Our senior choir consists of volunteer singers. We sing one anthem a week, in addition to an introit and a prayer response. We enjoy expressing our faith and spirituality through a variety of musical styles, from Renaissance to contemporary, spirituals to jazz. Our members have an inspiring love of music, often in addition to sight-reading and musicianship skills, but singers of all abilities are welcome. We rehearse on Sunday mornings before worship, performing in the worship service at 10am almost every week between Labor Day and Memorial Day. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the Minister of Music, Julia Scott Carey at juliascottcarey@gmail.com or contact the church office. 

(New choir members are welcome at any time!)


Rev. Beth’s September Sermon Series: “Living”

Sept. 8 (Communion Sunday): “Living Faith”     James 2:1-10,14-17 and Mark 7:24-37
Sept. 15: “Living Kindness”     James 3:1-12 and Mark 8:27-38
Sept. 22: “Living Hospitality”     James 3:13-4:3,7-8a and Mark 9:30-37
Sept. 29: “Living Courage”     James 5:13-20 and Mark 9:38-50


SNEAK PEEK: Rev. Dr. Patty Kogut will be guest preaching at CSCC on October 6, World Communion Sunday!

The Spiritual and Congregational Engagement Team INVITES YOU!


September 8, 2024 after worship
Hot dogs, corn on the cob, and more!

Let’s join together again over a simple meal. We will set up on the front lawn, weather permitting, enjoy each other’s company, and share the table and share a meal.
If you would like to bring a salad or a batch of cookies, that would be wonderful.
If you would like to help set up and/or clean up, please contact Carol at galchaffee@gmail.com, or the church office.

Get Ready for Women’s Guild & Fellowship ‘24-‘25!

WG&F will be gathering for our first meeting of the year Wednesday, October 2! It is our annual potluck supper,  and you will hear about the great programs we have planned for the year.

All women are invited and think about bringing a friend!

PS  - Our fall Rummage Sale will be Saturday, October 12 so mark your calendar and start cleaning out your closets, kitchens, and basement! All monies raised are used for local and worldwide charities.  



Thrift Shop Folks Come Through Again!

They had quite a day on Saturday, August 17, when they organized a multi-family yard sale on the church lawn, and opened the thrift shop for a bonus day. They raised over $1,000! 

In addition, they started a donation box for the furnace fund, and raised $92.
Super shoutout to you, Lynn, Connie, Sandy, Jane, and Gail! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to CSCC!

Care Team Corner Thought for September 2024


“Live your life in such a way that if you weren’t you, and you were to meet you, that you would want to be you.”  
Mike Gillette

Kids Church Kicks Off on Sunday, Sept. 8

We are very excited for the start Kids Church which will be starting on Sunday, September 8th, Kickoff Sunday! We have a multi-week series planned to start the year off right, and I'm excited to see how everyone has grown and how everyone spent their summer!

Additionally, this year in keeping with our congregation's commitment to being WISE to mental health, we're going to be implementing a "Handle With Care" program. So to the care givers of children attending Kids Church:

If your family is experiencing difficulties at home, I would like to provide additional support at Kids Church. I understand that you may not always be able to share details, and that's okay. If your child is coming to Kids Church after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please just text me "Handle with Care" and your child's name. Nothing else will be said or asked. This will let me know that your child may need extra time, patience, or help during Kids Church. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone really soon!!
Eric Stotts
Director of Kids Church
Phone/Text: (508) 280-9369


Monthly Potluck Lunches Begin Sept. 15

Eating together is important. Christians have always enjoyed sharing a meal because of the rich biblical symbolism. It is a tangible expression of service, love, and unity; and it affords opportunity for true fellowship and genuine community. Sharing a meal nourishes our need to know and to be known, because it facilitates face-to-face conversation. 

Our church utilizes food in many ways to join us together and provide intergenerational fellowship. For the past few years, volunteers have supported a community breakfast on the first and third Sundays of the month. For this year we’d like to try something a little different with the hopes of lightening the volunteer burden and engaging other members of the community.

For this church year, breakfast will be held on the first Sunday of the month as usual and the third Sunday will move to a potluck lunch immediately following church. We’d love if folks can plan on bringing a dish to share to church on the third Sundays starting September 15th, and look out for details about first breakfast. Plan to join us because…BACON!

Remember to mark your calendar for November 1 and 2, these are dates for our annual church fair.

Introducing your 2024 Church Fair Committee, in no particular order: Carol Chaffee, Connie Chandler, Gail Wright, Lynn Pietras, Sandy Kuipers, and Mary Barnsley.

We are meeting in the coming week. Please share your ideas if you have some.
Thank you!

Food Pantry Volunteer Needed

If you are looking for an opportunity to volunteer here is something that may interest you. The Bridgewater Food Pantry at CSCC is looking for a person to volunteer one Thursday morning a month. You will receive instructions as to what your responsibilities would be.


You would be asked to help in one of these areas:
1. Greet and send patrons to the pantry.
2. Wheel the grocery carts outside and unload them into the patrons’ cars.
3. Help sort food when large donations arrive.
4. Help patrons select which food items they need.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer at the food pantry, please contact one of the following people: Connie Chandler; Diane Glass, member of The Community Engagement Team; or the church office.


A team of 9 adults and 3 youth gathered during the summer to begin planning a “magical event” to be enjoyed by both children and adults.  We are in the planning stage and are still determining what events we will include in the evening. We can share with you that the date is on Saturday, November, 16th, and it will take place at the church. Food is involved, as well as costumes. This event is a fundraiser for the church. More information will be shared next month. We may even ask some of you to help us.

For further information, or to volunteer to help, contact Terry Reynolds at TerryR0647 at hotmail(.com), or the church office.

The older I get the more I love the month of September.  Life just seems to get back to normal. Kids go back to school, church services are back in the sanctuary, and the hours for Central Closet Thrift Shop at CSCC are back to Wednesday and Saturday. Yes, as of September we are back to Saturdays.  (On occasion we may open on a Friday for a special promotion.) 

If you have not yet signed up for our special email or text message notifications, be sure to do so now. CLICK HERE to sign up for text alerts. Visit our home page to sign up for email updates.

Donations are always welcome during shop hours, (Wednesday 10-1 and Saturday 10-1). Currently we are accepting new or gently used Fall clothing, holiday decorations, footwear, pocketbooks, jewelry, household items, glassware, linens, books, and toys. Please no electronics,  and limit donations to 20 items per visit. 

A few summer items  are still available for $1 each!
As always, thanks to all for supporting the thrift shop,
Lynn, together with Connie, Sandy, Jane, and Gail

September means the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall, a wonderful time of the year. The hot, muggy summer has disappeared and the warm comfortable days of Fall arrive. What better way to spend a beautiful Fall day than to attend Autumn-Fest on the quadrangle at Bridgewater State University. 

On September 29th you will find hundreds of vendors and thousands of people wandering around collecting information from businesses, organizations, and churches like ours. You will find the Community Engagement Team passing out information regarding events occurring at our church. We will also be selling Fall decorations created by the church crafters, and a goody bag will be given to the children.

If you would like to assist us by volunteering an hour or two, please contact Terry Reynolds or the church office.


For the current CSCC calendar of events, click here: CALENDAR


Church Administration
Pastor: Rev. Elizabeth Stotts, csccpastor at hotmail.com

Office Manager: Jenne Foronjy, office@csccucc.com
Minister of Music: Julia Scott Carey 

Director of Video Evangelism: Paul Holmes
Treasurer:  David Sheibley 

Communications Coordinator: Diane Sheibley

Kids Church Director: Eric Stotts

Office email: office@csccucc.com
Office telephone:  (508) 697-6016
Website:  www.csccucc.org
Facebook pages: facebook.com/csccuccbridgewaterma (main page),
facebook.com/groups/801550253194149 (youth page)

Instagram: @centralsquarechurch 

Venmo: @cscc-ucc

Steeple Sounds submissions deadline is the 15th of the month prior to publication.


Amazon Shopping!

Shopping on Amazon and feeling generous? Check out the CSCC Wish List, and drop an item in your cart for us! CLICK HERE to take a peek at our Amazon wish list. (Whether you buy these items at Amazon or at other stores, this is what we need!)