The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance: Anne Malmquist, Moderator; Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; David Hanson and John Sharland, Property and Finance Team; Terry Reynolds, Community Engagement Team; Eric Stotts, Spiritual Engagement Team; Carol Chaffee, Congregational Engagement Team.
Diane Sheibley took attendance. Quorum was met.
Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
March Minutes
The meeting minutes from the March meeting were presented and reviewed. John Sharland motioned to accept the minutes as written; Eric Stotts seconded. The minutes were approved as written.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts
Easter and Lent was a busy time! But went well. Rev. Beth has interviewed and hired a supply pastor for her sabbatical leave this summer. This Sunday is new member Sunday. Music Sunday is May 12. Pentecost and confirmation Sunday is May 19. Senior Sunday is June 9.
Treasurer’s Report – Dave Sheibley
We’re continuing on generally the same trajectory, but falling a little more behind each month. We’re running a little behind last year’s giving. He had to take another $10,000 out of investments, which brings it up to $35,000 on the fiscal year. We’re not buying winter oil any more for the season, so that’s good. Regarding the budget, at some point we’ll have to turn it around (passing deficit budgets), or we will run out of money. Quarterly statements went out to donors this week so people will see if they’re behind. Rev. Beth wrote thank yous on all of the statements. The question was asked, why would someone not pledge? Some don’t want to be obligated was one reason given. It was suggested that we might follow up with people who are behind on their pledges.
Congregational Engagement Team – Carol Chaffee
This Saturday is “Let’s Tortellini with Frank”. 8 people are signed up. There will be soup for all to take home, as well as some for each to give away. We are getting people to sign up for greeting and ushering. Nina, Bev, and Carol (the Care Team) each have people they are keeping in contact with. The church picnic is June 2. It will be worship and fellowship and food mixed together. Weather permitting, there will be lawn games, and it will be a potluck.
Community Engagement Team – Terry Reynolds
Terry talked about a meeting of the WISE group (Welcome, Inclusive, Supportive, Engaged). Rev. Beth will be studying becoming a WISE congregation during her sabbatical leave. It is much like the ONA process – it takes about a year to explore it and write a welcoming statement. In early Fall, we will be hosting a mental health forum on WISE, which is a training of sorts. The Team worked on and submitted their budget. Regarding the Harry Potter event: Terry got input from Jeff Fowler from BTV on contacting Warner Brothers and applying for the license to hold the event. She submitted a letter, and it will be 4-6 weeks before they respond. The event is on hold until they do. Terry reviewed the Food Pantry report with the group.
Property & Finance Team – John Sharland
They are working on replacing the plexi glass windows that need it. Next month, Dave Ferrari has agreed to donate his time and help the P&F Team work on replacing the parts of the front cement walkway that need it. Dave Sheibley met with the boiler inspector for our annual inspection, and he informed us that it would not pass next year, and needs to be replaced. The estimated cost is $20,000. We will be getting several quotes. We were also notified by the town that we will be having a routine inspection by the building inspector next month. The Team and Rev. Beth talked about doing a promotional video about giving and stewardship. An agreement with the North River Collaborative has been reached for them to rent classroom and kitchen space in the church 5 days a week. They have 5-6 young adult students and two adult leaders, and will be using the facilities during school hours. The rate is $1500/month for 10 months a year. The P&F Team also received an email that the fair committee has decided to step away from running the fair, and so new committee members need to be found. John asked who is responsible for finding the new committee members, perhaps is it part of the nominations process? Anne responded that the nominations process is only for elected positions. As the fair falls under the umbrella of the P&F Team according to the constitutional handbook, they are responsible for finding the fair committee replacements.
Spiritual Engagement Team – Eric Stotts
They have determined the schedule for the rest of the year for Kids Church. Denise is moving to Plymouth and so they will need someone new on the Spiritual Engagement Team. Eric suggested that perhaps combining the Spiritual Engagement and Congregational Engagement teams might be considered, as sometimes their work overlaps, like with the church picnic, and communication between the two is helpful.
Annual Reports
Annual reports are due May 15.
Nominations – Anne Malmquist
Anne will contact all team members and officers and determine who would like to continue for another year, and will find out what positions need filling. She may ask Deb Sorgman to help with recruiting for those positions.
Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is June 9, and is a combination of what used to be three meetings: the annual meeting, the election meeting, and the budget meeting. There will be a potluck lunch, and childcare.
Pickleball Tournament – Anne Malmquist
With the popularity of pickleball, Anne suggested that a pickleball tournament might be a good, fun fundraiser, and might pull in members of the community. The senior center has courts, and they suggested getting in touch with the Bridgewater Pickleball Club. Lakeville tennis club also has courts, and they’re indoor. Anne will be researching how pickleball tournaments work.