Come and shop with us! And tell your friends and neighbors!


Use the side door closest to the front of the church building (not the door with the stairs and the ramp) for access to the shop during open hours. 


We are still in need of more volunteers. Pick.your day Wednesday or Saturday. Work 1 day or 4 days a month. Whatever works for you, will definitely work for us. We usually arrive at 9 and leave at 1:30. 


A few dates to note this month:
• We will be closed  Wednesday, January 1st.
• Saturday January 4th and Wednesday January 8th, all Christmas merchandise will be 75% off. 
• We will be closed Saturday, January 11th and Saturday, January 18 due to church events.
• In addition to Wednesdays and Saturdays we will be open on Sunday, January 26th from 11 - 2. Join us after worship for coffee and some shopping. 

We are still accepting new and gently used winter clothing,  footwear,  pocketbooks,  jewelry,  household items,  glassware,  linens,  books,  and toys. Please no electronics and limit donations to 20 items per visit. Donations are accepted during shop hours: Wednesday 10-1 and Saturday 10 - 1.

Thanks to all for supporting us in our mission to help the church. We couldn't have done it without you. 



Don't delay! Sign up today!

for occasional text messages with updates for the Central Closet Thrift Shop



* Donations are accepted ONLY during shop hours (Wed & Sat, 10-1). Please do NOT leave them at the church door, at the shop door, or inside the church building.*


Donations are greatly appreciated.  We are currently accepting new or gently used clothing, footwear, 

pocketbooks, jewelry, glassware, household items, toys, books, DVDs and CDs. Please no electronics.


Thank you!