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Kids Church

Kids are welcome to join in! We have a ton of fun stuff going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus and the Bible while often digging into some games and arts and crafts in our Kids Church* program!


The 2023-24 year was a jam-packed year in Kids Church. We kicked off the year with a month-long worship series on the theme of "Promises" (God's promises to us, our promises to God, our promises to each other as Christians). We had weekly Advent activities based around the different weeks of Advent, and led the adults in worship on Palm Sunday teaching them how to fold strips of palm fronds into crosses. We also created our own altar space, decorated our own Christmas Tree, ran a community-driven toy drive, raised money for Heifer International, and just had a ton of fun in general.  

The 2024-25 year is shaping up to be a lot more of the same and it starts on Sept 8. As always if there are any questions about Kids Church, or if you want to get involved in helping out or teaching, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Director of Kids Church, Eric Stotts, via email at csccucc.SET @ gmail.com, or contact the church office. 




(Children are also always welcome in worship.)

*Kids Church is formerly known as Sunday School!


Nursery Friends!

Our nursery is not currently staffed, but parents are welcome to play with their 0-5 year olds in one of our two playrooms before and during the worship service. The service is streamed on a TV in the nursery for your convenience. (Children are also always welcome in worship.)


Youth Ministry

Our past youth group activities have included stuff like mission trips and service projects, volunteer opportunities, fun outings like archery and hiking, discussion groups, and much more. 


Keep an eye on our Facebook page as well as here on our website under "events and newsletters" (which includes a calendar) for upcoming events.


Contact the church office at (508) 697-6016 or office@csccucc.com for more information or to be put on our mailing list, or if you're interested in participating, either as a youth or as an adult leader.


The Bridgewater Food Pantry at Central Square Congregational Church is open on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and the first Monday evening of each month from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (except holidays).


If you know someone who frequents the Bridgewater Food Pantry and may not have access to this information, please let them know. 


If you have lost your job, or have kids at home from school, or are struggling with COVID or other medical issues, or for any reason need some assistance with food, please know that you are not alone. Come and see us and let us help. (Bridgewater residents only - proof of residence is required at the first visit to the pantry.)


In addition, the Bridgewater Food Pantry does provide a delivery service to any  Bridgewater resident who does not have transportation to the Church. Please contact the Church Office at: (508) 697-6016 or e-mail: office@csccucc.com for more details.





Please accept a cookie, a muffin, or a piece of pie immediately following our Sunday morning worship service, downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Fellowship Time is a time to connect with other worshippers, to see old friends and make new ones, September through May. 




CLICK HERE for information on the Church World Service blanket program.

Music Ministry 


Our senior choir consists of a small yet solid group of volunteer singers (we have approximately four singers on each of the four voice parts of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass). We sing one anthem a week, in addition to an introit and a prayer response. We enjoy expressing our faith and spirituality through a variety of musical styles, from Renaissance to contemporary, spirituals to jazz. Our members have an inspiring love of music, in addition to sight-reading and musicianship skills, but singers of all abilities are welcome. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO


Our Junior Choir provides a way for the younger members of our congregation to become involved in the musical life of our church. 
Children are not required to read music to join the Junior Choir. The choir is a great way to build music literacy and confidence, as well as providing opportunities for young people to express themselves musically and spiritually, while having lots of fun!   



From Rev. Beth:


I want to give a huge THANK YOU to all of the generous people, groups, and organizations who have donated to help those who face struggles.  


I also want to share a word to people who are seeking financial help for themselves or friends as the weather turns and we enter the coldest, harshest months.  Many churches, ours included, will provide assistance in one or more ways, and many have various stipulations about how those funds are used, so I want to be clear about how CSCC can help you.  If you are in need, I hope you will reach out!  Even if the church isn’t able to help you, we are always available to assist in seeking out resources.  In general, here is how the CSCC Emergency Fund is used:


• At the pastor’s discretion, or at the request of a partner agency or congregation, we may be able to help pay a utility bill or a month’s rent directly to the company or landlord. There are also times when various churches or community groups will pool money together to cover a month’s rent.

• We also have available emergency grocery cards, gas cards, and small coffee/breakfast cards.  In the event of an emergency, we may even be able to cover an overnight in a hotel.  
• The church also provides a list of resources, including town, county, state, and federal agencies, that provide long-term support in various ways. If we do this, it’s because we know that the system is available, and though it may be tedious, it does eventually work. Trust us: we want you or your friend to succeed.

• Sadly, we cannot give beyond our financial resources, however much we would love to end all financial hardship everywhere. If our financial resources are spent or fully allocated, we will do our best to connect you with other places.

• One other note… unfortunately the church cannot be counted on to assist in long-term financial support.  The church can only offer financial support on an emergency basis.

While I wish we could do more, we’re working in flawed systems to do the most we possibly can with pooled resources so that as many people can be helped as possible. I also want to assure you that your situation and circumstances are kept in strict confidence. I will not only help you to the extent that I or the church is able, I will also pray with you and counsel you if you wish. Because above all else, you need to know that you aren’t alone.  Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 12:26  ”If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.” We are together in this. 

You are not alone.


If you wish to donate to the Minister's Emergency Aid fund, click HERE and choose the fund from the donation options. 

In Christ,
Rev. Beth