Central Square Congegrational Church, UCC
Annual Pledging
Central Square Congegrational Church, UCC
Annual Pledging
As our mission statement says, “We are a Christian community of people who are reaching out to our neighbors, at home and abroad, sharing our faith and our resources.”
CLICK HERE for a PDF pledge form to type into. Then either save it and email it to the church Treasurer at treasurer@csccucc.com, or print it out and submit it to the church office or put it in the Sunday collection plate. All pledges are kept confidential.
CLICK HERE to fill out an online pledge form and automatically submit it to the church Treasurer. All pledges are kept confidential.
CLICK HERE for a PDF EFT (automatic bank account withdrawal) form to submit to the church after making your annual giving commitment (optional).
With Generosity & Gratitude
Dear Members and Friends,
On March 20, 2023, we officially began our Annual Pledge Drive, to be completed by Sunday, April 16. The process is simple. For those on our mailing list, we mailed you a request, plus forms, and you reply with your pledge by completing the forms and returning them to church in person or by mail by Sunday, April 16. If you prefer, or you are an online participant only, you may pledge online via the links above. We encourage you to be as generous as possible.
Sunday, March 26, on Stewardship Sunday, we asked those present to write individual Thank You notes to all who pledge this year. These personal notes with expressions of gratitude will be sent to all who pledge during this period.
It is important for all of us, wherever on the journey, to understand that our annual pledges make Central Square Congregational Church come alive and stay alive—alive in worship, alive in the community, alive in committees and groups that use our building, alive in the world, as we all work together to make mission happen day after day. Our mission happens because we give selflessly and we give because of the LOVE that enables us to BE!
We have no national or regional United Church of Christ organizations that provide funds to our congregation. It is just us, generously backing up our feelings of appreciation and gratitude with money.
We ask you to remember we are still in transition, coming out of a tumultuous three-year period of dealing with worldwide health issues. Still, new ministries have begun—our Thrift Shop, Kids Church and more. We have reorganized with a new constitution to match needs today. It is an exciting time to be a part of Central Square Congregational Church.
We chose to use the rising Phoenix as an emblem of this year’s Pledge Drive because our church community is rising to serve with love, faith, generosity and gratitude. We hope you will join us in financially supporting CSCC-UCC.
With faith and gratitude from your Stewardship team,
Kathleen Mosher, Carol Chaffee, Gail Wershing
PS: Feel free to contact any one of us if you have questions about pledging. See us or leave a message with the office and we will get back to you. 508-697-6016
PPS: We welcome pledges from members and non-members alike.
Fair Share Giving Guide
(To calculate your Adjusted Monthly Income, subtract from your total monthly income any extraordinary expenses such as childcare, large medical expenses, care for parent or family member or other large monthly expense.)
Do you have questions about pledging? CLICK HERE
Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. (Luke 12:34)
Give, and it will be given to you. (Luke 6:38)