The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Anne Malmquist, Moderator.
Cabinet members in attendance: Anne Malmquist, Moderator; Rev. Beth Stotts, Pastor; David Sheibley, Treasurer; Diane Sheibley, Clerk; David Hanson and Mark Sorgman, Property and Finance Team; Diane Glass, Community Engagement Team; Eric Stotts, Spiritual Engagement Team; Carol Chaffee, Congregational Engagement Team.
Diane Sheibley took attendance. Quorum was met.
Rev. Beth opened the meeting with a devotion and a prayer.
April Minutes
The meeting minutes from the April meeting were presented and reviewed. Dave Sheibley motioned to accept the minutes as written; Eric Stotts seconded. The minutes were approved as written.
Pastor’s Report – Rev. Beth Stotts
Confirmation Sunday and Pentecost is this Sunday. 6 youth are being confirmed. Trinity Sunday is 5/26. The church picnic is 6/2. The annual meeting is after worship on 6/9. Rev. Beth conducted Mike Bundock’s celebration of life. She also continues the process of becoming W.I.S.E. certified (welcoming, inclusive, supportive, and engaged). She video chatted with former member Elaine Henriksen. There is a field trip to the movie “Inside Out 2” on 6/23 with Rev. Beth and the WISE team.
Treasurer’s Report – Dave Sheibley
The last month or so we received some good donation amounts, some pledges, one big unpledged donation. We should be able to make it to the end of the fiscal year without withdrawing any more from the investments. We do need to look at paying for a new oil burner soon.
Community Engagement Team – Diane Glass
Had a meeting last Sunday; talked about opening the building on the 4th of July for people to use the bathrooms during the parade. Maybe will have a poster and/or QR code with information on what our church does. The food pantry report was submitted and included with Cabinet materials.
Congregational Engagement Team – Carol Chaffee
The “Tortellini with Frank” event was a success; Frank really enjoyed doing it. There was plenty of soup to share beyond the group of participants. They hope to host another similar event in the fall. The church picnic on 6/2 is being coordinated by Carol, Kathleen Mosher, and Rev. Beth. Worship will begin with prayers and communion, and then the congregation will proceed outside (weather permitting) for a potluck brunch, games, and fellowship. A shoutout was given to Carol for all her work on behalf of the Team this year.
Property & Finance Team - Mark Sorgman
Mark reported that the Team is moving forward with the school who is contracting with CSCC to use space in our building during school days. The contract is likely to bring in about $15,000 of revenue per year. The director of the school will be coming to the next cabinet meeting. Our thanks to John Sharland for all the work he has done on this contract.
The 2024-25 proposed budget was presented. The budget proposal includes cost of living raises. The boiler is not in the operating budget, but needs to be replaced. Cost estimates are currently being procured. There currently is about $1,000 in the capital campaign fund that can be used. There is also about $20,000 in the parsonage sale fund. The music endowment will help pay the music salary this year. There is no fundraising plan to make up for the budget deficit. We should remind people that if they have to take money out of their retirement funds, it can be directly donated to the church fax-free. Maybe in the Fall we could have a “fundraiser fair”, with a “booth” for each type of fundraising activity/event, allowing people to sign up to help. There is currently no formal stewardship campaign. David Hanson is anticipating the work to fix the front walkway will happen in May.
Mark Sorgman made a motion for Cabinet to accept the 2024-25 proposed budget, with the addition of the school rental revenue line item, for presentation to the congregation. Eric Stotts seconded. The motion passed by majority vote.
Spiritual Engagement Team – Eric Stotts
Eric reported that we are almost done with the Kids Church year. There will be an ice cream party this Sunday. The Team met with the Congregational Engagement Team and discussed combining their two teams, as many responsibilities overlap. They proposed the combining of the teams, with 3-5 team leaders, and 2 voting members at Cabinet. There are three leaders interested, and they would be in search of two more.
Eric Stotts made a motion for Cabinet to approve a constitutional change that combines the Congregational Engagement Team with the Spiritual Engagement Team, for presentation to the congregation. Mark Sorgman seconded. The motion was approved.
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting is June 9, following worship. It will be a lunch, the celebration of ministries, the election meeting, and the budget meeting. There will be a signup genius for people to sign up for what they want to bring for the lunch at the annual meeting. Since the meeting is prior to the close of the fiscal year, the final treasurer’s report for the fiscal year will be added to the annual report in July for the final document. It will also be published in the August Steeple Sounds.
Nominations – Anne Malmquist
Anne has been working on the nominations slate. The positions still in need of being filled: clerk, assistant treasurer, and someone to learn the financial secretary job, even if they don’t actually do it this year. Judy is ready to retire from it, but will continue for one more year.
Pickleball Tournament – Anne Malmquist
Inquiries and research continues. Terry is putting Anne in touch with someone who is involved in similar events.
June Cabinet Meeting
Newly elected as well as existing team members are encouraged to come to the meeting. It is the annual calendaring meeting. Diane requested that all known dates for the 2024-25 program year be submitted to the office by June 13 so that they can be prefilled on the calendar prior to the meeting.
Other business
- Summer office hours will begin June 1. They are Tue-Wed-Thu, 9-1.
- There will be a couple of weeks in July that the office will be closed while Jenne has shoulder surgery and Rev. Beth is on sabbatical.
- David Hanson offered to supply ice cream for the Kids Church ice cream party this Sunday.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.